Great info...you just lack one foundational element....people who get elected are idiots....on purpose. South Dakota is always listed as one of the most corrupt states...once we made it all the way to 2nd place of the most corrupt! Did I just change topics too quickly...dumb politicians and state corruption? Please realize how closely the two are intertwined. Politicians are easily bought off pretty cheap...I've been offered anywhere from flattery to $250,000 PAC money if I would yield my vote to "just do as we say". Even when its pointed out that an elected official (politician in name only) is on the dole....they don't even realize they are being controlled by the money people (in SD its the Governors Office of Economic Development....you know the players). Most of the really dumb "politicians" just go along because "it's the way we do it here."

AND being "surprised" that we need more money for streets covers up the fact that they spent tons of money beautifying the city and giving the money people more than a generous wage to "develop" our city. If the elected ones fain surprise they can conjure up the need for a vote to raise funds (taxes) that will go towards MORE nefarious projects (heck, if it actually goes to the problem how can they complaint they need more money later?)

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Great article. Down with sprawl and stroads

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Nice work Boyd!

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