
From the Argus Leader: November 1, 2022

"Maggie Seidel confirmed in an email to the Argus Leader that she’s the chapter chair of South Dakota’s new and only Moms for Liberty chapter..."

"Moms for Liberty"? If ever there was a misnomer.

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and that group has been invading other parents’ rights across the country.

Sadly, if these folks knew the definition of “Liberty” they would change their agenda.

Speak to your own children, parent your own children, and set THEIR boundaries. If they don’t listen to their own parents, that is all on the parents.

Don’t infringe on others’ “liberty” to have access to a diverse array books to choose from.

As a parent, and grandparent, I would rather that if my kids or grandkids have further questions, then those discussions can be had at home... with their own parents. Where it should be.

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Keeping graphic sexually explicit content out of the hands of children is the thing you’re going to fight, Nolan? Glad to be on the opposite side of the issue as you 😊

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Stop being so disingenuous, Maggie. I am for local control in these matters. It's that simple and you know it. I see through your condescending baloney.

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That’s just pure nonsense. There are plenty of reasons why this should be done at the state level. There’s nothing wrong with ensuring that parents have exercised informed consent before their kids are exposed to this. That’s not a conservative position, and it’s not a religious one either. It’s a healthy dose of common sense.

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aren’t you one of Noem’s prior policy advisors? it’s really sad for this state, the outside groups she’s brought in as paid lobbyists. SD was much more sensible under all the other governors we’ve had. It’s a disgrace, what she’s done to this state, regardless of party.

other prime examples... history curriculum, forced births, individual healthcare rights (females and trans folks), reversing our votes...and her constant attention seeking stunts.

As a lifelong SD resident (57 yrs) I’ve never been more ashamed of and disgusted with the hateful policies of the GOP lawmakers in this state over the last 4-5 years.

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Maggie, so it's common sense for you and yours to dictate what I can allow my children to read. Why are you so afraid of learning something challenging. Are you scared of words?? Ideas??

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Parent: "Don't give porn to my kid in school."

Democrat libertarian: "You're a fascist!"

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Beware of the person who is coming to "save your children".

It's the same thing, over and over. Adult marijuana use will destroy children. Drag will destroy children. Books... oh my god... the books! It's always done to protect the children. Right? No, they want your life to conform to their religious views.

Nude statues have been around for how long? Anyone? 20,000 years? I saw nudity in grade school and high school. We all did. And my younger brother was a very good artist. Mom was a bit conflicted.

They can't just let schools and parents handle these things because they want control. A few guys in Pierre know better than you. These do-gooders would arrest a man for wearing a tunic. Sorry Mr. Jesus... that outfit is a class 2 misdemeanor.

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Oh Nolan - it’s sad that you can’t get on board with basic protections for kids. This isn’t political it’s common sense.

Good for you, Amy - though I too was sick reading this, it deserves sunshine. Very few people - on both sides of the political spectrum - are okay with this. Keep educating people. Change will come because of people like you!

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I didn't need you to protect me from my brother's artistic impressions. Not then. Not now.

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No one is talking about that. We’re talking about public school libraries with graphic sexual content... your argument is absurd. Society takes steps all the time to protect the health and safety of kids. This is an extension of that. You want your kids to have access to this, great - opt in.

Amy’s position is exceptionally reasonable and will get done once she has reached enough people.

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Schools and parents are not snowflakes. We don't need your help.

Strip it down to the basics. Kids are not just harmed by guns and ATVs, they are killed by them. Maybe 5,000 a year in the US. But you accept that risk in a free society. These things you want to do, however, won't save anybody. "Save the kids"? Ha!

You want to push your religious agenda on the rest of us. Plain and simple.

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Why do you favor explicit perverted stuff in schools, Nolan?

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Is that what I said? Of course not.

And earlier you wrote that I am a "pervert" and suggested that I was "buying porn for kiddies". You say stuff like that to somebody you don't even know. Because, apparently, that's the kind of guy you are.

That's some really creepy stuff there, George. The boogeyman is INSIDE your house.

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What we need, desperately, is protection of our children from pedophile perverts in the Dem Party.

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Let me take a wild stab at this... Q Anon?

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Just a non-pervert, unlike you. Are you buying porn for kiddies, Nolan?

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Q Anon.

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The legal concept of informed consent is really basic. If you need it though, Google can help.

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There is no problem for you to solve. Local folks are smarter than you think.

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Well, actually, marijuana use IS associated with a large number of bad outcomes.

Liberals seem to have a great interest in getting kids interested in porno. There's increasingly no difference between liberals and pedophile perverts.

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Mar 15, 2023·edited Mar 16, 2023

Is anyone forcing students to read these books? BTW have you checked out your children's phones lately?

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I notice there were no names of the “filthy” books you found in some school library. Until you can name the names , it’s all imaginary in your brain.

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Has any study ever shown that access to "sexually explicit materials" - whether in public, school, or home libraries (like medical texts in my house) - causes harm to children?

And when protected from "sexually explicit materials", do children grow up to be any better - or different - compared to those with access to any books in a library?

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I'll put you down in the "Pro-pervert" camp. I guess every kindergartner should spend a few minutes with some "Playboy" magazines.

Kids will spend the many years of adulthood with unlimited access to porno. We do not need to speed up porn access, although this is what liberals want. We need to teach kids to THINK, not read porno.

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they grow up to be less informed and able to respond to any adverse (to them) situation since they typically have some type of lesson or punishments in books.

So, parent your own child … don’t parent mine, Maggie & “Moms for Liberty” because you’re infringing on OUR LIBERTIES

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Don’t mind George, he gets cranky when he can’t remember which version of his qualifications he’s telling people he has today. What’s it today George? Astronaut? Sea captain? He’s the George Santos of the Dakota Scout comments section.

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In which schools did she find these books? I have to doubt her testimony unless she can tell which public schools have these books. Do/did her children/grandchildren attend public schools?

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That's right, Jeannette. They cherry-pick a few lines from a few books somewhere... and voila! WE NEED A LAW!!

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Isn’t a few lines from a few books of this graphic of nature worthy of a simple law? I think yes.

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Uhh. No.

Just think of what these meddlers would do to control content on the internet. To "save the children" of course.

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…control the internet, huh?

You didn’t even read the pretense of the bills. It wasn’t even to remove the books. Just place them in informed consent of the parents. But maybe you think that’s even too far. Parents shouldn’t be in charge of the content their kids are exposed to.

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You act like school libraries have no standards. They do. These kind of laws are a real pain to enforce and totally unnecessary. Local schools and parents can work it out. They don't need you.

As for the internet... does anyone believe that you would leave that alone?

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A good friend of mine from church showed us some books that were at his kids middle school. I can't remember the name of the Sioux Falls middle school it was, but he showed us the book. It wasn't as graphic in nature as the description of this column, but graphic enough to be concerned. I never followed up with him about what was being done about it and sorrowfully I forgot about it until I read this. If it's even HALF this bad, it's something worth doing something about.

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Schools are careful and listen if a parent expresses concern about a book in a school library. I trust our public school systems to be looking out for and making every effort to do what is best for our children. Was your friend’s book really that offensive if neither he nor you asked the school about it?

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Here's the deal: Should every parent have to go thru the library? Why are librarians defending pornography? As Justice Stewart said, I know it when I see it. Librarians need to rethink the position of the profession, pull the pervert stuff, and put in books which develop good values in children.

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No, parents don’t have to go through the library. Ask your kids what they are reading. And, do you really know there is pornography in our school libraries, or did someone tell you that so it must be true. I trust our librarians and our schools.

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The books he showed us were not as graphic as what was shared in this column. And since I don’t have kids attending public school, I didn’t make it my fight.

Clearly this issue needs more attention.

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It’s in Ben Reifel Middle School in Sioux Falls, for one.

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Which books? Did you read them?

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Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas

The Haters by Jesse Andrews

Lucky by Alice Sebold

Looking for Alaska by John Green

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

Push by Precious

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And what makes these books bad? Other than some other Nervous Nellie says they're bad, who maybe has read them so you don't have to and then tells you to hate these books. Can you think for yourself and develop your own opinion, or is linking a site as good as you can do. Lazy Hendo, lazy Chele.

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I support this column.

When I was in HS, I read a lot. There were plenty of books in the library. I did not find pornography.

If you want to have your child read these books, they are all available on the various online book sales sites. NO BOOKS HAVE BEEN BANNED.

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Will any of the book banners in this thread tell me which school libraries have the three books referenced in the article by Ms Bruner. Also, isn't she a mom with an agenda? Please truthfully confirm or deny her membership in the newly formed South Dakota Chapter of Moms for Freedom. Why would voters and educators consent to having anyone with a GED education or less be given any right to involve themselves in educational material review when we pay highly educated professionals to do that for us. Oversight is one thing, imposing a narrow interpretation of those materials should not be given to anyone, irrespective of their religious or political views. Ms. Bruner gives not one shred of evidence of the acts she's so appalled by is available to students in the district. Where are these depictions, drawings, instructions, tips for hook-ups? Where are these "how-to's" of vaginal sex, sodomy, masturbation and oral sex? Am I to trust her on her word? Does she have this kind of library in her home? Her read list? May we see her bookmarks page in her browser or search history in Google? Her spouses bookmarks?? What types of proclivities does she engage in...I need to know this if she's going to foist her beliefs and biases in our schools. Inquiring minds want to know!

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Yikes! These people think giving the government the ability to censor speech is a good idea?!? Count me out! Those who ban books are never on the right side of history. I'm perfectly capable of monitoring my own child. These parents need to figure out the same and quit trying to impart their will onto the rest of us. Funny they're okay with THEIR morals dictating the standards used to limit speech. Whatever would they do if someone used a different set of standards to set the limits?

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Here's a fun fact: No books have been banned anywhere in the US. Take the name of any book mentioned in these discussions, go to any online book vendor, type in the name, and POOFF!!! You will have the opportunity to purchase this book, usually quite inexpensively.

What IS being done is removing them from library shelves.

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Thank you, Amy, for your hard work on this and being willing to fight the good fight. Sadly, as some comments here indicate, many parents would rather bury their heads in the sand and pretend everything is fine and chastise those willing to ask the hard questions and fight for the greater good.

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Hey, Dakota Scout, what makes Ms Amy Bruner a guest columnist? I understand she works for an architectural firm. What are her bona fides on this subject? How did you select her? Did you approach her or vice versa?

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"The question is not 'why are parents fighting so hard to ban pornography in elementary schools.' The question is 'why are left-wing teachers fighting so hard to include it.' " —Christopher F. Rufo

The fact is that adults in SD are completely free to buy and consume any books they wish. Adult parents of school-age children are completely free to buy whatever books they wish to give their minor children at home. So what is the pedagogical interest in providing this stuff that is highly offensive to so many people, and unrelated to RR'R, in schools?

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I'm glad I saw this email this morning, but I'm sad I missed paying attention to these bills. I don't have kids in public school, nor will I ever put my kids in public school for a variety of reasons, this being one of them. But I was totally oblivious to how bad it was. I was sick to my stomach reading these bills failed and the nature of the content was beyond disturbing. Ugh. Amy, when this issue comes back up next session, I hope you reach out or I'll do my best to pay attention. This is not okay that we let this slide. I'm beside myself.

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It is NOT bad because it doesn't exist. If and when it does, you as a taxpayer of the district or parent of a student in the district have the right to discuss with the educators what you won't allow your child to read. The sky is NOT falling, Joshua. Amy Bruner has not uncovered some nefarious scheme to foist material on unsuspecting children. There is no Leninist plot to convert their minds or experiment on their genitals. (Yes, they've said this.) This is a solution to a problem that does not exist. Stop the insanity!!! Educate yourself before pledging fealty to someone that wants to control your life and the lives of others. This used to be a free country; beware very aware of the dangerous fascists that are trying to take it over.

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