Presumably, we shouldn't expect any EMAC reimbursement from Texas for this deployment either. When Noem wants to untie the state's purse strings—whether it's border deployment, rodeo grounds, shooting ranges, fireworks, legal fees, ad agencies, whatever—she just does it. Worse, when her rash, selfish actions force taxpayers to pay large legal settlements, she doesn't even blink, let alone apologize. Her main objective, it seems, is to fill the void when Sean Hannity and his ilk have no "interesting" people to interview. [As for her VP chances, Trump, supposedly, does not want to be paired with an anti-choice absolutist. Remember, Kristi "The Kristian" Noem believes that a 12-year old girl, raped and impregnated by her syphilitic uncle, should carry to term. There is no mercy rule.]

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We can’t feed children and have crumbling infrastructure, but we have money to subsidize Texas publicly stunts. What a joke.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

Get out of your mom's basement, Robert. There's a whole world happening out there besides TikTok influencers. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/15/migrant-encounters-at-the-us-mexico-border-hit-a-record-high-at-the-end-of-2023/

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What a rude idiot.

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Robert. I was unnecessarily rude. I apologize for that. I will refrain from reacting to thoughtless comments with thoughtless cruelty. Instead I will ask why you say what you say.

Why do you call Texas' efforts to protect its citizens from foreign nationals overrunning its towns and property by the thousands and trafficking drugs and humans in the process as "publicity stunts"?

Whose children do you feel are unfed in South Dakota, and whose responsibility are they?

What infrastructure is crumbling and not being addressed?

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And illegal immigration in the US is bread and circuses for Fox News/cnn viewers. Neither party is actually interested in changing the status quo. They’d have fixed it in the 90’s if they had. The US house republicans put up a giant fit about border stuff and when the Dems called their bluff and offered them basically everything they turned it down and went on vacation for two weeks. The people who paid to make you think immigration is a crisis went on vacation. In a “crisis.” I’m guessing if you are facing something you consider a crisis you don’t go on vacation. So why not ask your “leaders” why they skipped town for spring break?

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People like you are so ignorant, but ensconced in the Dem bubble.

HR 2 was passed on May 11, 2023. Unlike the Democratic Bill which did not pass out of the Senate, it actually cracked down on the millions of illegals scum invading our borders.

The Senate has yet to take up this bill, passed in the House almost 1 year ago.

Try not to be so ignorant, Robert.

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If it isn’t my favorite astronaut/sea captain/psychic medium. What are you this week Q? A school teacher? A forensic anthropologist? We’re having a conversation and your unhinged impotent insult salad is unwelcome.

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We probably wouldn’t agree on a lot of stuff sister, but for your own sake start asking your party why they don’t ever fix all the problems they constantly remind you of. Don’t you get tired of everything being an emergency but somehow nothing ever gets fixed? Don’t ask me, random dork in a comment section, why these “problems” never get fixed. Ask the public servants you voted for why they never actually “do” anything about anything, even the stuff you voted for them to do.

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According to the Education Data Initiative 2023 report, South Dakota has nearly 35,000 food-insecure children and about $6.3 million in school meal debt. I find the existence of the term “child school lunch debt” offensive. It’s a catastrophic failure of our state to protect our most vulnerable, the children I’m told we need to “protect” from drag shows. Who will protect the children from our state governments greed and incompetence?

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Where in your understanding of the Bill of Rights and the rest of the Constitution does the responsibility for the care of Peter's children fall on the shoulders of Paul?

"Food insecurity" is a political term. "Starvation" is a scientific term. We have no starvation in this state unless parents lock their children in a closet and refuse to feed them. We do, however, have churches and very generous people and companies that provide plenty of food and material goods to people, and who do that with free will, not confiscation.

I am quite opposed to the government enabling an individual's greed and incompetence.

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Firstly, the framers were smart but not omnipotent. Things change and society and technology change. The constitution doesn’t mention cars but no one is banning those for not being in the constitution.

If Paul is going to continue to collect millions of corporate subsidies and favorable regulations then he can afford to help feed the children who are not being fed because he’s artificially kept Peters wages low. Have you ever needed to use those private aid resources? As someone who knows many people who have I can tell you they are grossly inadequate to the needs created by the dismantling of the middle class. When most people made decent wages I’m sure they held up great and I’m proud of them for doing great work, but people’s survival shouldn’t be based on the largess of others.

Like I said, we’re probably not gonna agree on a lot of stuff, but I would ask you to press your party leaders when they say things like we can’t help immigrants because we have homeless vets and then they cut veterans benefits.

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South Dakota infrastructure issues are related to the poor condition and maintenance of its roads, bridges, dams, drinking water systems, schools, and public transportation. According to the 2021 Infrastructure Report Card, South Dakota's infrastructure earned a **C-** grade, indicating that it is in mediocre condition and requires attention¹. Some of the key facts and challenges are:

- There are **1,038 bridges** and over **2,031 miles of highway** in poor condition in South Dakota². Driving on these roads costs each driver **$562** per year in extra vehicle costs¹.

- South Dakota has **90 high-hazard dams**, meaning that their failure would result in loss of life or significant property damage¹⁴. The state also has **162 power outages** between 2008 and 2017, affecting its energy resilience¹.

- The state's drinking water infrastructure will require **$730 million** in additional funding over the next 20 years to meet the needs of its population and environment¹³. The state also faces a **$125 million** gap in what schools need to do maintenance and make improvements².

- South Dakota's public transportation system is outdated and underfunded, with **47%** of trains and other transit vehicles past their useful life². Public transit users spend an extra **97.7%** of their time commuting compared to drivers².

- South Dakota also has an affordable housing crisis, with **42,000 renters** spending more than 30% of their income on rent². The state also has a shortage of childcare facilities, with **43%** of residents living in a childcare desert².

The American Jobs Plan, proposed by President Biden, aims to address these and other infrastructure issues by investing over **$2 trillion** in various sectors and projects across the nation². The plan includes funding for repairing roads and bridges, modernizing public transit, improving water quality, increasing housing supply, expanding broadband access, and supporting caregivers². The plan also seeks to create jobs, enhance competitiveness, and promote equity and resilience².

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/20/2024

(1) South Dakota Infrastructure | ASCE's 2021 Infrastructure Report Card. https://infrastructurereportcard.org/state-item/south-dakota/.

(2) The Need for Action in South Dakota - The White House. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/AJP-State-Fact-Sheet-SD.pdf.

(3) Defending our critical infrastructure: Little known about South Dakota .... https://www.keloland.com/keloland-com-original/defending-our-critical-infrastructure-little-known-about-south-dakotas-cyber-security-capability/.

(4) Biden Infrastructure Plan Promises Investments in Multiple South Dakota .... https://dakotafreepress.com/2021/04/12/biden-infrastructure-plan-promises-investments-in-multiple-south-dakota-needs/.

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A reference to South Dakota's public transportation system "with **47%** of trains and other transit vehicles past their useful life" is pure boilerplate nonsense, since South Dakota does not have public transportation on trains and has never had Amtrak. A statement like that makes me highly suspicious about who it is that prepares these "reports." I looked at these Washington, DC generated documents that you linked. The SD docs just rehash and link to the DC docs. There are no links at all to the studies that support any of these claims. Quoting an "expert" is not a substitute for data and how the expert came to his or her conclusions. The ASCE does not list its engineers who prepared the document, so we can't tell if any of them are from South Dakota.

As to the dams on the Missouri River, that is a federal problem for sure, not state.

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I wonder if Robert is a Captain Crunch man, or if he is in the Fruit Loops group.

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Shame on Trump and Speaker Mike Johnson for nixing the bipartisan border bill. All the while, Republicans, especially those kissing up to Trump, are lamenting lack of attention to border issues by the current President. It's repulsive and frustrating.

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Shame on you for calling a massive theft from US citizens a bipartisan border bill. Biden has absolutely attended to the border and achieved the results he desired - open borders giving entry to massive numbers of single military-aged men from hostile countries released into our country. South Dakota has a population just under 1 million people. In the past 3 years, the Biden administration has squired around 8 million illegals into our country. And he's taking your tax dollars or enslaving your children to government debt to pay for them.

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Well, I sincerely doubt that your claims are what is truly happening. We will simply disagree. One has a slim chance of knowing what is actually happening anywhere at any time. The odds of knowing someone's intentions are incredibly less likely. So, to say any person, including the President has any particular desire seems unfathomably unlikely to be accurate. Then, the only reason for making the claim is to run someone down to suit an agenda. Since you are doing that, I don't expect I can have a meaningful dialogue with you. Best wishes. And, BTW, you might want to search online about the growth of the Federal debt and during which presidency. You might be surprised.

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You might be surprised that the Current President - not any former president - is the one with the authority to close the border with the laws that already exist. He does not do it. These laws are on the books:

8 CFR § 235.3 - **Inadmissible aliens and expedited removal.** The law already exists. The Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) (aka Remain in Mexico) were developed to implement this law. https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/8/235.3 On Day One of his presidency, Biden by executive order stopped MPP.

Secure Fence Act of 2006 - authorizes and **mandates a physical barrier** as well as technological means of preventing illegal entry into the US. https://www.congress.gov/bill/109th-congress/house-bill/6061/actions and https://immigrationhistory.org/item/secure-fence-act/. When Pelosi looked at DT and said “not one dollar [for a wall],” she actually was saying that she would prevent him from enforcing duly enacted legislation. Trump did manage to build many miles of this wall, which caused people to flow toward legal ports of entry. Biden immediately stopped construction and in some places actually took down what had been erected.

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The House passed HR 2 on May 11, 2023. This bill actually did something about the illegals scum pouring over the border. The Senate and the Dems have not taken up this bill.

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Have you read the bill or just watched commentary on Fox Fake News?

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Just read summaries.

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Me, too. And, I'm growing increasingly reluctant to believe the summaries because we no longer seem to have credible politicians or news organizations for the most part. They are mostly "entertainment," as Fox claims to be in their defense against liability claims, and having agendas other than presenting objective summaries. The lack of reliable information is the greatest threat to a democracy because we depend on it to make a reasonably informed decision.

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I don't think we are on the same political side, but I agree with this comment.

In more and more areas of contentious discussion, less and less information is available. How many illegals are in the US? How many illegals kids are in the Sioux Falls schools?

The omission of information about these topics is not an accident. There is a deliberate blurring of the sources of info, to allow misleading and contentious statements to be made.

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Thanks for the reply.

I choose to think of myself as not being on a political side. I am a registered independent because I do not want any party or candidate to assume I will support them or oppose them due to a label.

I am an American citizen and take seriously my duty to decide elections carefully. In that regard, I appreciate a balanced report and am disgusted by a slanted one under the guise of news.

There is no way we can make informed decisions without reasonably accurate information, by definition. On that we agree and I appreciate your comments.

Kind regards.

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If the Southern Boarder is truly a “war zone” and poses such a threat to National Security, why did the GOP lead US House of Representatives block passage of the recent bipartisan Border Bill? The Bill contained every single request the GOP asked for and except for the blessing of their “leader”, adjudicated rapist, convicted fraudster with 91 felony counts awaiting trial # 45. I am hopeful the cultists that follow him and the governor of SD and see them for who and what they are. Lying, manipulative con artists. Stop with the drama Noem, we all see you for what you are, a Drama Queen # 45 cultist. Take care of the people of the State you were elected to SERVE, not your political goals and games to gain attention. It makes you look ugly.

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The House passed HR 2 on May 11, 2023. This bill actually did something about the illegals scum pouring over the border. The Senate and the Dems have not taken up this bill.

Democrats want billions of illegals scum here. Why, I do not know. They will pay at the polls in Nov.

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The "bipartisan" border bill coded into law the invasion at the border.

The previous administration reduced illegal immigration to a decades low despite relentless opposition from Congress. Biden invited illegal migrants to “surge” the border even before he took office. He promised he wouldn’t deport anyone, and he dismantled Trump’s border protection policies by executive order on Day One. The invasion was by design.

The immigration laws already on the books give Biden all the authority he needs to close the border. It doesn't take billions and de-facto legalization of illegal aliens. It takes barriers and enforcement.

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Unfortunately every point you try to substantiate is incorrect rhetoric of MAGA party members. Hopefully you will be able at some point to realize you have been spoon fed misinformation for breakfast, lunch and dinner all day everyday. Jim Jones’s followers believed him right up to the end never understanding what danger they were in. Try reading history books of that time period along with the Nazi agenda and how Russia has become masters in feeding misinformation into the news cycles, internet feeds, Facebook and note the haunting similarities to what the USA is experiencing now. The truth is a lie, the lie is spread insidiously to the unsuspecting. The unsuspecting become mesmerized by the lie and will defend the lie and the master liars to the end. I realize I am wasting my time explaining this but I hope others may recognize the psychological warfare that occurs nonstop.

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These laws are in the Federal Register. Go right to the source.

8 CFR § 235.3 - **Inadmissible aliens and expedited removal.** The law already exists. The Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) (aka Remain in Mexico) were developed to implement this law. https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/8/235.3

Secure Fence Act of 2006 - authorizes and **mandates a physical barrier** as well as technological means of preventing illegal entry into the US. https://www.congress.gov/bill/109th-congress/house-bill/6061/actions and https://immigrationhistory.org/item/secure-fence-act/.

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What? Not enough press for our champion of freedoms? Too much talk of her hero, Trump, talking to other VP candidates? Sad

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You should review your own posts. You have a strange idea of civility.

You do not agree that the Constitution is bedrock (you've indicated you think modern bureaucrats are smarter than our founders), or that all individual rights are to be protected by it, or that its limits on government intervention are inviolable, so no other discussion really matters, does it?

All governments at every level take far too much in taxes from everyone and use it for purposes not agreeable to huge numbers of people. The idea that some people should not be able to keep what they've earned over some arbitrary line is what progressive tax rates are based on.

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Next tornado or flood or snow storm on the reservation, we could use those Texas boys here. I am sure they will be also. Ok maybe not the war zone on reservation, besides it is cold during those blizzards.

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Why are we paying for advertising to get people to come here and yet also paying our troops to go to Texas to keep people out?! Why don't we send down busses and pick up people if we are serious about getting more people to our state? Oh yes, because they are brown.

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We don't want a bunch of ignorant uneducated people who speak neither English nor Spanish.

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Or because they're not willing to come through the legal ports of entry, and don't speak the common language, and will have to be supported by your tax dollars?

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In my opinion, a lotta this crap would not be happening IF we had a Homeland Security chief in office WHO CARED about our Homeland Security. He's an absolute fool for allowing himself to b used in the manner Biden/Obama/Whomever is using him. He and Karine Jean-Pierre must be graduates of the "Baghdad Bob" University of Journalism.

Many years ago I sarcastically stated that perhaps Texas should import and fill the U.S. side of the Rio Grande with pirahna. Just one budget request with no deployments, health, housing, insurance or salaries to pay, no weapons or ammo to purchase and no personnel needed to stand watch.

It is good Mayorkas was impeached...the Senate needs to FINISH THE JOB and try him for,at the least, DERELICTION of DUTY. The problem now is that 'Cackling Kam' Harris may end up being the prosecutor!

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When you are part of the Cult and don't know it. Sad.

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Ridiculous. A Waste of Money.

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