1. Politicains are all about power and money, not necessarliy in that order.

2. They have become party over country as that is where the money comes from.

3. Only thing that changes 1 & 2, if they are concerned about getting re-elected and losing both #1 and #2, then they might go with the will of the people. Might!?!

Since Noem's sights are on national politics with voters in every state in the nation commenting about what a Godsend she is on her social media postings, she is not worried at this time about the citizens of South Dakota, her farm and ranch "friends", or getting re-elected.

Noem is a politician in the true sense of #1 and #2. She is convinced that she is unbeatable, so maybe not #3.

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Great letter and important points! We West River citizens and voters are just as concerned about this battle that is/will be negatively affecting our East River victims/targets.. I know, and TRUST, one of the three PUC officials to do the right thing. I expect the other two to include the U.S. and South Dakota constitutions in their decision-making.

It appears to me that a lot of bags of "30 Pieces of Silver" are being distributed.

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Thank you, Tonchi! Spot on commentary shining a light on what's happening to our farmers, landowners and citizens. Gov. Noem, you can take a stand, even just as a landowner. "Don't sell the land Kristi, God isn't making any more." When one of these pipelines ruptures, don't you dare say you did everything you could. Your words are as empty as your promises.

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Thank you for sharing these thoughts! I agree 100%!

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Point on! Thank you for sharing! It's time for Governor Noem to protect our constitional rights. She can be the hero in this pipeline nightmare that so many landowners have been fighting for almost 2 years already. Will Governor Noem choose to stand up and be the person her father preached to her to be? OR will big corporate money keep her mouth closed and allow Summit to mow over family values he father tried to instill in her? Protect your land Governor Noem, and protect our land!

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