Rick Knobe tried winning the District 25 Senate Seat in 2020 as a carpetbagger from District 9 and while serving on the Board of Elections. I would run the other way from anything he supports.

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This gentleman seems to engage in the logical fallacy of guilt by association. What is good for the goose ...

Ms. Johnson, has been generously supported by the South Dakota Education Association (SDEA), it’s worth noting that the SDEA is affiliated with the National Education Association (NEA). In their 2021 annual meeting, the NEA adopted without modification New Business Item 39, which explicitly endorsed the use of the Critical Race Theory framework in developing and teaching school curricula. Our community has expressed firm opposition to the use of critical pedagogy in our public schools.

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Succinct, plain-spoken and incisive. And absolutely correct! Fresh air, indeed! Thank you Rick Knobe. Dawn Marie's got my vote!

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"I will help affirm the identity of all students" - Ms. Johnson

The transhuman phenomenon is incredibly disturbing, to those with eyes to see. Allowing children's to make life-altering decisions based on a social contagion amounts to child abuse.

There are only 2 sides to this issue.

Vote accordingly.

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What will he do when he realizes he has been lied to?

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Agree with Knobe's analysis of both the stakes in this race and the candidates. The persuasiveness of what he writes and Ms. Johnson's qualifications for the board have nothing to do with Knobe's prior election run.

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