Legals & Public Notices: Sept. 27, 2024
City of Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls School District, Baltic, Notices to Creditors, Notice of Sale
PUBLISH: Sept. 20 & Sept. 27, 2024
REQUEST NO. 24-0106
The City of Sioux Falls, SD, requests competitive sealed proposals for an ADA Web Accessibility Audit.
To participate, proposers must be registered as a vendor in Bonfire. Register at by selecting “New Vendor Registration” under the login tab. After you have registered, navigate to the Open Public Opportunities tab to view the solicitation. Proposals will be electronically submitted through Bonfire and will be received by Bonfire not later than 2 p.m., Central time, October 24, 2024. Proposals will be publicly opened but not read at 3 p.m., Central time, City Hall, 224 W. 9th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104. You may watch the bid opening virtually via Webex by utilizing information and links located at
It is the vendor’s responsibility to check the Bonfire website for any changes or updates to the competitive sealed proposal, which will be in the form of an addendum posted to the solicitation in Bonfire.
Telegraphic, fax, email, and hand-delivered responses will not be accepted unless specifically authorized in the terms and conditions of the solicitation.
The City of Sioux Falls reserves the right to reject any or all bids or proposals, waive technicalities, and make award(s) as deemed to be in the best interest of Sioux Falls, SD.
Published twice on Sept. 20, & Sept. 27, 2024, at the approximate cost of $29.03, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Sept, 20 & Sept. 27, 2024
The City of Sioux Falls, SD, requests formal bids for Low Floor Paratransit Buses.
To participate, you must be registered as a vendor in Bonfire. Register at by selecting “New Vendor Registration” under the login tab. After you have registered, navigate to the Open Public Opportunities tab to view this invitation for bid. Bids will be electronically submitted through Bonfire and will be received by Bonfire not later than 2 p.m., Central time, October 10, 2024, immediately thereafter, the bids will be publicly opened and read at 3 p.m., Central time, City Hall, 224 W. 9th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104. You may watch the bid opening virtually via Webex by utilizing information and links located at
There will be a pre-bid meeting held on September 26, 2024, at 10 a.m. via Webex for interested bidders.
It is the vendor’s responsibility to check the Bonfire website for any changes or updates to the Invitation for Bid, which will be in the form of an addendum posted to the Bonfire website.
Telegraphic, fax, email, and hand-delivered responses will not be accepted unless specifically authorized in the terms and conditions of the solicitation.
The City of Sioux Falls reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive technicalities, and make award(s) as deemed to be in the best interest of Sioux Falls, SD.
Published twice on Sept. 20, & Sept. 27, 2024, at the approximate cost of $30.74, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Sept. 27, Oct. 4, 2024
The City of Sioux Falls, SD, requests competitive sealed proposals for a Technical Infrastructure for City of Sioux Falls Affordable Housing Website Navigation Hub.
To participate, you must be registered as a vendor in Bonfire. Register at by selecting “New Vendor Registration” under the login tab. After you have registered, navigate to the Open Public Opportunities tab to view this Request for Proposal. Proposals will be electronically submitted through Bonfire and will be received by Bonfire not later than 2 p.m., Central standard time, October 17, 2024. Immediately thereafter, the bids will be publicly opened but not read at 3 p.m., Central standard time, City Hall, 224 W. 9th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104. You may watch the bid opening virtually via Webex by utilizing information and links located at
There will be a pre-proposal meeting held on Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 11 a.m. See solicitation for details.
It is the vendor’s responsibility to check the Bonfire website for any changes or updates to the request for proposal, which will be in the form of an addendum posted to the Bonfire website.
Telegraphic, fax, email, and hand-delivered responses will not be accepted unless specifically authorized in the terms and conditions of the solicitation.
The City of Sioux Falls reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive technicalities, and make award(s) as deemed to be in the best interest of Sioux Falls, SD.
Published twice on Sept. 27 & Oct. 4, 2024, at the approximate cost of $32.45, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Sept. 27 & Oct. 4, 2024
The City of Sioux Falls, SD, requests competitive sealed proposals for Security Guard Services.
To participate, proposers must be registered as a vendor in Bonfire. Register at by selecting “Register” next to the login tab. After you have registered, navigate to the Open Public Opportunities tab to view the solicitation. Proposals will be electronically submitted through Bonfire and will be received by Bonfire not later than 2 p.m., Central time, October 24, 2024. Proposals will be publicly opened but not read at 3 p.m., Central time, City Hall, 224 W. 9th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104. You may watch the bid opening virtually via Webex by utilizing information and links located at
It is the vendor’s responsibility to check the Bonfire website for any changes or updates to the Competitive Sealed Proposal, which will be in the form of an addendum posted to the solicitation in Bonfire.
Telegraphic, fax, email, and hand-delivered responses will not be accepted unless specifically authorized in the terms and conditions of the solicitation.
The City of Sioux Falls reserves the right to reject any or all bids or proposals, waive technicalities, and make award(s) as deemed to be in the best interest of Sioux Falls, SD.
Published twice on Sept. 27 & Oct. 4, 2024, at the approximate cost of $29.03, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Sept. 27, 2024
Notice is hereby given that all owners or persons in possession of property abutting on sidewalks to keep the sidewalks free from snow and ice and to remove the same within 48 hours after every fall or accumulation of snow or ice according to the following standards as set forth by Chapter 96 of the Code of Ordinances of Sioux Falls, SD:
(a) The owner or person in possession of any property abutting on any sidewalk shall keep the sidewalk free from snow and ice and shall remove any snow or ice from the sidewalk within 48 hours after the termination of any snow fall, snow or ice accumulation.
(b) The owner or person in possession of any property abutting upon any sidewalk which ends at an intersection or crosswalk shall maintain the sidewalk free from snow and ice to the edge of the street. Snow and ice deposited on the sidewalk in the street removal process shall be removed within 48 hours of being deposited.
If the owner or person in possession of property abutting on sidewalks fails to remove the snow or ice within 72 hours of the falling or accumulation hereof, the City will cause the snow or ice to be removed with an independent snow removal service and charge the cost to the abutting property.
If the bill is left unpaid, the cost will be assessed against that property to include the cost of levying such special assessment. In addition, the City’s Code Enforcement Officer will issue administrative citations in the amount of $100 for the first violation. Subsequent violations will cost more.
Published twice on Sept. 27 & Oct. 4, 2024, at the approximate cost of $33.01, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Sept. 27, 2024
The School Board of the Sioux Falls School District 49-5 of Minnehaha County, South Dakota, was called into regular session, pursuant to due notice, on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. in the Instructional Planning Center, 201 East 38th Street, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, with the following members present: Nan Kelly, Marc Murren, Gail Swenson, and Vice President, Dawn Marie Johnson, and President, Carly Reiter. Absent: none. Dr. Jane Stavem, Superintendent of Schools, Todd Vik, Business Manager, and Brett Arenz, In-House Counsel, were also present.
DeeAnn Konrad, Community Relations Coordinator, spoke of developing the District Priorities that guide our work in the areas of Academic Achievement, Well-being, Community Engagement, Staff Excellence, and the Effective Use of Resources. It is called The SFSD Experience, and we defined it as the “intangible gift of a quality public school education” where – from the first contact to the last – we will strive to exceed expectations with all with whom we come in contact. The district has been living that work for years but is putting special emphasis on it this year. We trained Clerical and on-staff Specialists on The SFSD Experience with professional learning in early August. We featured the special relationships between Child Nutrition’s Lonny Meno and his young friend Michael. Throughout the year, we will continue to highlight the special people, the special moments, and the special students who make The SFSD Experience more than an exception – rather an expectation.
Action 39608
A motion was made by Gail Swenson and seconded by Dawn Marie Johnson, five (5) votes “yes” on roll call, approving the minutes of the meetings held August 26, 2024, which were furnished to the Sioux Falls Dakota Scout for publication, in unapproved form, all in accordance with SDCL §13-8-35.
* * * * *
Persons Wishing to Address the School Board: Chad Bishop- Literature, and Social Studies Curriculum.
* * * * *
Action 39609
A motion was made by Marc Murren and seconded by Dawn Marie Johnson five (5) votes “yes” on roll call, approving the agenda as presented.
Action 39610
A motion was made by Nan Kelly and seconded by Dawn Marie Johnson five (5) votes “yes” on roll call, approving Items A through D of the consent agenda, as follows:
A. Approving pages 1 through 78 of list of claims dated September 9, 2024 in the amount of $6,228,381.58; it being understood that in publishing claims the Business Manager shall publish name of each claimant, purpose, and amount of each expenditure as required by SDCL 13-8-35; it is further understood that any claim for Sanford Healthcare System shall be removed from this action and approved by a subsequent action (see MRF #19450).
Claimant Description Amount
Aaa Collections Inc
Garnishment $657.72
Accounts Management
Garnishment $313.52
Accounts Management
Garnishment $660.31
Accounts Management
Garnishment $598.69
Accounts Management
Garnishment $213.23
Accounts Management
Garnishment $605.63
Accounts Management
Garnishment $716.22
Afscme Council 65 Aug 2024 1025 Dues $3,175.20
Breit & Boomsma P.C Wage Assignment $500.00
Breit & Boomsma P.C
Garnishment $682.21
Collection Services Ca Child Support $203.00
Collection Services Ia Child Support $2.26
Collection Services Ia Child Support $1,532.75
Credit Collections Wage Assignment $255.58
Lvnv Funding Llc
Garnishment $620.77
Midland Funding Llc
Garnishment $526.85
Minnesota Child Sup Mn Child Support $56.00
Minnesota Child Sup Mn Child Support $198.00
Montana Child Supportsd Sdu Pa Mt Child Support $1,935.50
Myers Billion, Llp
Garnishment $750.47
Nebraska Child Supp Ne Child Support $850.00
Office Of Child Sup Aug24 Child Spprt $4,350.85
Portfolio Recovery
Garnishment $846.03
S.D. Retirement Sys Aug24 457 Wire $55,977.27
S.F. Sch. Dist. No. 8/24 Smartphone $674.60
Sioux Empire United Aug 2024 United Way $9,555.99
Texas Child Support Tx Child Support $567.00
Tsa Consulting Grou Aug24 403b Contrib $54,442.00
Unifund Ccr Llc
Fgarnishment $620.40
Interpreter Costs $1,620.00
Abc Van Rentals Inc Equipment Rental $1,130.00
Access Systems Telephone $933.80
Ace Neon Signs Corp Professional Services
Upkeep Of Grnds Supplies $1,783.70
Achor, Luke Professional Services $300.00
Adaptive Tech Solutions Llc Other Supplies $139.94
Adorama New General Equipment $98,223.24
Ad-Star Sales Inc Other Supplies $1,425.95
Advanced Telephone Systems Inc Telephone
Building Improvements $32,778.50
Alexandria Marie Nissen Dues & Fees $124.75
Allhearts, Llc Clothing For Resale $2,642.91
American Engineering Testing Inc Professional Services $583.25
American Ink Llc Other Supplies $4,828.10
Apple Inc New General Equipment $987.00
Architecture Inc Professional Services $44,555.00
Ars, A Tecta America Company, Llc Building Improvements $432,370.20
Ashley Dyann Dorothy Osborne Food Purchases $83.19
Associated School Boards Of Sd Dues & Fees $1,215.00
B & H Photo Video Inc Other Supplies $600.72
Background Investigation Bureau Llc Professional Services $1,725.00
Baltzer, Tim Professional Services $212.60
Ban-Koe Systems Inc Equipment Repair $414.00
Basel, Hannah Professional Services $200.00
Bavco Building Improvements $2,003.85
Beal Distributing, Inc Supplies For Resale $537.08
Bednarczyk, Natalia Professional Services $265.96
Benchmark Products Llc Equipment Repair
Replacement General Equip $7,383.62
Benco Dental Supply Co Professional Services
New General Equipment $18,845.56
Blegen, Michael Professional Services $150.00
Blick Art Materials Classroom Supplies $36.50
Bloch, Dane Professional Services $180.00
Bob’s Piano Service Inc Equipment Repair $110.00
Braga-Henebry, Jessica Professional Services $240.00
Brandon Matthew Mohr Software, Videos, Etc. $115.76
Brittany Anna Kool Professional Services $500.00
Bsn Sports Inc Classroom Supplies
Replacement General Equip $5,983.64
Buck, Darryl Professional Services $150.00
Canfield Business Interiors Inc New Furniture $2,580.00
Carolina Biological Supply Co Classroom Supplies $207.91
Cascade School Supplies Classroom Supplies $846.76
Casey J Meile Other Supplies $108.47
Cc Products Llc Clothing For Resale $2,976.00
Cengage Learning Inc Textbooks $17,046.50
Center For The Collaborative Classr Classroom Supplies
Textbooks (Loaned) $267.60
Charron, Stacy Professional Services $240.00
Cherrybean Coffee Company Food Purchases $200.00
Christian Eggert Violins Ltd New General Equipment $1,030.00
Christopher Lee Jacobson Professional Services $130.00
Cintas Corporation Other Supplies $1,847.80
Classeconomy Llc Online Subscriptions $2,460.00
Coca-Cola Bottling Co Food Purchases $303.77
Cole Papers Inc Equipment Repair
Other Supplies
New General Equipment $5,553.53
Combined Building Specialties Inc Replacement General Equip $1,782.00
Community Learning Center Other Temporary Pay
B4 & After-School Revenue $6,429.72
Consonus Music Institute Llc Classroom Supplies $178.90
Core-Mark Us, Llc Supplies For Resale $6,380.01
Cortez, Cesar Professional Services $270.00
Corwin Press Inc Professional Services $15,000.00
Crea - Central Regional Ed Assn Professional Services $100.00
Croston, Kim Professional Services $238.54
Culligan Water Conditioning Equipment Rental
Other Property Services
Other Supplies $1,821.93
Curriculum Associates Inc Online Subscriptions $9,620.00
D & H Distributing Company Supplies For Resale $1,641.42
Dacotah Paper Co Other Supplies $29,323.90
Daikin Applied Building Improvements $1,947.67
Dakota Playground Inc Upkeep Of Grnds Supplies $952.00
Dakota Potters Supply Llc Classroom Supplies $2,017.85
Dakota Sports Other Supplies
Replacement General Equip $45,267.30
Darrel Richard Jones In-District Mileage $173.12
Davies Publishing Inc Textbooks $2,719.20
Davis, Rebecca Professional Services $130.00
Deltamath Solutions Inc Online Subscriptions $170.00
Donald Lee Malaterre Professional Services $85.00
Donnelly, Patrick Professional Services $130.00
Douglas Stewart Co Supplies For Resale $603.08
Eason Horticulture Resources Supplies For Resale $331.70
East Side Jersey Dairy Inc Food Purchases $13,654.07
Edutyping Online Subscriptions $274.75
Eide Bailly Llp Building Improvements
New General Equipment
New Computer Equipment $9,040.00
Eileen Marie Prince Professional Services $50.00
Electric Supply Co Building Improvements $18,950.00
Empire Building Construction Buildings $1,604,799.61
Energy Cap Inc Software, Videos, Etc. $6,520.80
Eric James Robinson Dues & Fees $170.64
Erica Ann Kogel Admin Out Dist Travel $215.40
Esgi Software Llc Textbooks $1,230.00
Evans, Mike Professional Services $90.00
Express Produce Llc Food Purchases $4,876.89
Fast Signs Building Improvements $170.00
Fedex Postage $343.34
First Dakota Title Limited Partners Land $193,645.00
Ford Signs Building Improvements $1,896.30
Fox Print Inc Printing $201.91
Franklin Planner Corp Professional Services $3,420.00
Gateway Music Festivals/Tours Student Travel $5,300.00
Gear For Sports Kits For Resale
Laptops For Resale $29,752.53
Generation Genius Inc Classroom Supplies $1,495.00
Geotek Engineering & Testing Serv I Professional Services $2,435.00
Gerlach, Erik Professional Services $200.00
Gia Publications, Inc. Classroom Supplies $425.55
Global Distributing Inc Food Purchases $3,302.40
Goodheart Willcox Publisher Textbooks $472.50
Gopher Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies $769.40
Gordon, Jeff Professional Services $2,150.00
Grazzini Brothers & Company Building Improvements $6,480.00
Green Eggs And Ram Inc Equipment Repair $83.50
Guarantee Roofing & Sheet Metal Of Building Improvements $219,620.45
Hand, Kelsey Professional Services $240.00
Hand2mind Classroom Supplies $63.74
Hauff Midamerica Sports Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies
Other Equipment (Non-Cap)
Replacement General Equip $23,757.35
Haupt, Melissa Professional Services $240.00
Hawkes Learning Systems Textbooks $3,765.00
Heartland Glass Co Llc Building Improvements $558.57
Heartland Scenic Studio, Inc Classroom Supplies $3,300.00
Henry Schein Inc Other Supplies $110.74
Hesler, Louis S Professional Services $178.14
Hillyard Equipment Repair
Other Supplies $2,368.89
Home Builders Assoc Of The Sioux Em Dues & Fees $600.00
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Co Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies
Textbooks (Loaned) $3,870.63
Hudl Software, Videos, Etc.
Dues & Fees $26,000.00
Hyvee Food Purchases $5,941.00
Hyvee - Marion Food Purchases $2,686.00
I29 Sports/Cfgear/Cfpromo Other Supplies $1,170.00
Iliev, Daniel Professional Services $130.00
Incident Iq Llc Software Support $69,568.82
Innovative Office Solutions Llc Equipment Repair
Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies
Clothing For Resale
Other Equipment (Non-Cap)
New General Equipment
New Furniture
Replacement General Equip
Replacement Furniture $76,142.79
Isi Llc Interpreter Costs $4,590.00
J Rieck Music Equipment Repair $3,945.00
Jefferson High School Miscellaneous $13.50
Jeffrey David Lukens Professional Services $150.00
Jennifer Jean Scheff Dues & Fees $180.23
Jennifer M Albig-Mckay Professional Services $120.00
Jj Keller & Assoc Textbooks $2,573.61
Johnston, Kyle Professional Services $125.00
Johnstone Supply Professional Services
Classroom Supplies
Kits For Resale $92,762.59
Jolene Ellen Gordon In-District Mileage $86.20
Jones & Bartlett Publishers Textbooks $1,873.59
Jones, Chet Professional Services $85.00
Jostens Inc Other Supplies $54.30
Just For Kix Replacement General Equip $874.75
Jw Pepper & Son Inc Classroom Supplies $492.27
Katie Lynne Sandal Dues & Fees $89.44
Kaylene June Van-Lingen In-District Mileage $23.46
Kimberely Dawn Ertelt In-District Mileage $146.07
Kirchner, John Professional Services $125.00
Kiwanis Club Of Sioux Falls Dues & Fees $1,104.00
Knife River Upkeep Of Grnds Supplies $486.72
Koch Hazard Architects Professional Services $52,341.34
Kone Inc Other Property Services
Equipment Repair $4,921.62
Krier & Blain Inc Equipment Repair $81.37
Kristal Rae Shoffeitt In-District Mileage $85.15
Krohnke, Jack Professional Services $90.00
Krohnke, John Professional Services $85.00
L2 Brands Llc Clothing For Resale $1,238.40
Lafayette Music Productions Inc Professional Services $990.00
Lakeshore Equipment Co Classroom Supplies $269.91
Laminating & Binding Solutions Inc Other Supplies $141.66
Laura Beth Cooper In-District Mileage $161.21
Lawrence & Schiller Professional Services
Advertising $46,649.41
Learning Without Tears Classroom Supplies
Textbooks (Loaned) $6,975.92
Lifescape Pathways Professional Services
Tuition - Other Institutn $17,834.50
Lincoln High School Equipment Repair
Software, Videos, Etc.
Other Supplies
Food Purchases
Dues & Fees
Miscellaneous $6,832.05
Linde Gas & Equipment Inc Classroom Supplies $378.70
Liquidware Labs Inc Software, Videos, Etc. $5,450.00
Lloyd Gene Uthe Student Travel $193.80
Lori Kay Halter Dues & Fees $1,413.60
Lynn Gillette Life Coaching Professional Services $1,200.00
Mallory Kathryn Kautz In-District Mileage $110.30
Marcie Jeanette Viet Online Subscriptions $129.00
Marco Inc Equipment Rental
Software Support
Other Supplies $12,467.29
Mark E Struck Professional Services $85.00
Masek, Joe Professional Services $160.00
Maska, Adam Professional Services $241.64
Math Fact Lab, Llc Online Subscriptions $1,012.00
Matheson Tri-Gas Inc Kits For Resale $22,841.60
Matthews Medical Books Inc Textbooks $3,312.49
Mausbach, Laura Professional Services $150.00
Mccormick’s Group, Llc Other Supplies $1,049.79
Mcgraw-Hill Education Inc Software, Videos, Etc.
Textbooks $21,467.00
Mckesson Medical Classroom Supplies $671.62
Meghan R Wounded-Head Teacher Negotiated Travl $270.60
Mesmer, Samuel Professional Services $180.00
Michaels Fence & Supply Co Land Improvements $9,630.00
Midori Dirks In-District Mileage $126.81
Midstates Uniform & Lettering Inc Other Supplies $1,254.20
Midwest Alarm Company Inc Professional Services
Equipment Repair
Other Supplies
Building Improvements
New General Equipment $6,186.65
Mike Murach & Associates Inc Textbooks $3,316.00
Minnehaha County Other Transportation $100.00
Moe, Susan Professional Services $240.00
Monarch Sales Other Supplies $5,239.40
Morningside University Dues & Fees $225.00
Mosyle Corporation Software Support $109.58
Move This World Dues & Fees $4,045.63
Mps Software, Videos, Etc.
Other Supplies
Textbooks (Loaned) $100,777.78
Msc Industrial Supply Co Other Supplies $255.67
Muth Technology Professional Services $1,608.91
Mv Sport Clothing For Resale $952.00
N2y Classroom Supplies $754.99
Nancy Ann Deroos In-District Mileage $729.61
Nasco Education Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies $1,132.82
Nathan L Punt Professional Services $90.00
Natl Art & School Supplies Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies $3,455.86
Nelson, Chad Professional Services $125.00
New Tec Equipment Equipment Repair $432.76
Norberg, Kyle Professional Services $120.00
North Central Food Supply & Service Equipment Repair $1,218.49
O’gorman High School Advertising $1,275.00
Opto International Inc Other Supplies $951.40
Osborne, Nicole Professional Services $127.13
Panopto, Inc. Software, Videos, Etc. $17,962.46
Panther Premier Print Solutions Printing
Other Supplies $15,435.00
Paula Jane Clary In-District Mileage $51.81
Pbis Apps Online Subscriptions $19,720.00
Pearson Education Textbooks $2,309.80
Pepsi Cola Company Supplies For Resale
Food Purchases $6,483.60
Performance Foodservice Food Purchases $263,460.44
Peter Jon Fleischhacker In-District Mileage $53.71
Pfeifer Implement Co Replacement General Equip $12,068.25
Pheasantland Industries Other Supplies $31.65
Pitsco Education, Llc. Classroom Supplies $3.90
Pittman, Jody Professional Services $240.00
Plimpton, Kent Professional Services $152.72
Popplers Music Store Inc Equipment Repair
Classroom Supplies
Replacement General Equip $5,328.94
Postmaster Postage $6,350.00
Powerschool Group Llc Software Support $229,370.40
Print Right Printing Printing $9,110.00
Project Lead The Way Inc Professional Services
Other Supplies $1,070.50
Pump, Matt Professional Services $280.00
Pyramid School Products Classroom Supplies
Warehouse Inventory $8,304.84
Qualified Presort Serv Llc Postage $3,690.82
Quill Corporation Classroom Supplies $16.98
R & L Supply Ltd Bldg Repair Supplies
New General Equipment $3,618.34
Raise Rite Inc Land Improvements $3,200.00
Really Great Reading Co Llc Software, Videos, Etc.
Textbooks $950.00
Reggie Mack Productions Professional Services $600.00
Remind101, Inc Online Subscriptions $31,250.00
Rise Custom Solutions Other Equipment (Non-Cap) $818.95
Riswold, Steve Professional Services $100.00
River Cities Public Transit S. F. Transit Payments $10,753.14
Rochester Armored Car Co Inc Professional Services $60.99
Roosevelt High School Dues & Fees
Miscellaneous $600.00
S.D. Assoc For Middle Level Educ Online Subscriptions $900.00
S.D. Dept Of Human Services Tuition - Other Institutn $11,201.31
S.D. Ready Mix Concrete Assoc Textbooks $1,150.00
S.F. Ford Repair Of Cars And Trucks $3,217.11
S.F. Interiors Building Improvements $121,560.00
S.F. Pressure Washing Other Property Services $475.00
Sage Publications Inc Professional Services $7,500.00
Samp, Jacob Professional Services $90.00
Sara Mae Vandekamp Classified Out Dist Travl $428.81
Sarah Rae Dehaai Teacher Out Dist Travel $227.94
Scherling Photography Computer Equip (Non-Cap) $700.00
Schmitt Music Equipment Repair
Classroom Supplies $4,219.00
Scholastic Periodicals & Subscriptns $3,595.06
School Administrators Of South Dako Professional Services $450.00
School Bus Inc New General Equipment $48,327.61
School Datebooks Inc Classroom Supplies $299.00
School Health Corporation Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies $1,379.40
School Specialty Llc Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies
Textbooks (Loaned) $3,020.64
Seitz, Jason Professional Services $90.00
Sewing Concepts Inc Novelties For Resale $580.00
Shi International Corp Software Support $13,650.00
Sisson Printing Inc Printing $6,903.16
Sourcewell Software Support $251,294.44
Southeast Tech Miscellaneous $526,983.17
Stan Houston Equip Inc Other Equipment (Non-Cap) $1,173.50
Stansbury, Erin Professional Services $120.00
Stieglemeier, John Professional Services $1,000.00
Stipes Publishing Textbooks $2,085.90
Sturdevant’s Auto Parts Corp Other Supplies $509.48
Stutson, David Professional Services $90.00
Sweeter, Andrew Professional Services $125.00
Tapspace Publications Llc Classroom Supplies $3,249.25
Taylor Music Inc Classroom Supplies
New General Equipment $62,385.00
Tebben, Chuck Professional Services $90.00
Tebben, Hunter Professional Services $90.00
Tera Ann Breck In-District Mileage $126.94
The Dakota Scout Llc Professional Services
Publishing $1,696.84
Themes & Variations Textbooks (Loaned) $200.00
Thielsen, Dan Professional Services $221.08
Thomas G Sundling Professional Services $100.00
Thomson Reuters - West Online Subscriptions $513.85
Trager, Cindy Professional Services $200.00
Trane Company Professional Services
Equipment Repair
Other Supplies
Building Improvements $31,042.99
Travers, Maria Professional Services $108.00
Tsp Inc Professional Services $1,310.00
Uline Other Supplies
Kits For Resale $3,521.45
United Laboratories Warehouse Inventory $3,708.80
Univ Of Sioux Falls Dues & Fees $2,430.00
Univ Of South Dakota Dues & Fees $1,952.75
Ups Postage $5,098.78
Us Bank Professional Services
Equipment Rental
Land & Building Rental
Teacher Out Dist Travel
Principal Out Dist Travel
Admin Out Dist Travel
Classified Out Dist Travl
Teacher Negotiated Travl
Student Travel
Other Communication
Equipment Repair
Repair Of Cars And Trucks
Upkeep Of Grnds Supplies
Equip Repair Supplies
Bldg Repair Supplies
Classroom Supplies
Software, Videos, Etc.
Other Supplies
Supplies For Resale
Food Svc Small Equip
Clothing For Resale
Novelties For Resale
Kits For Resale
Gasoline And Oil
Library/Reference Books
Periodicals & Subscriptns
Online Subscriptions
Food Purchases
Computer Equip (Non-Cap)
Other Equipment (Non-Cap)
Building Improvements
Land Improvements
New General Equipment
New General Equip - Fed
New Furniture
Replacement General Equip
Replacement Furniture
Dues & Fees $406,459.71
Varsity Spirit Fashions & Supplies Other Supplies $328.00
Victoria Lynn Vetter In-District Mileage $80.83
Virco Manufacturing Corp New Furniture
Replacement Furniture $14,004.12
Vista Higher Learning Textbooks $950.65
Ward’s Natural Science Establishmen Classroom Supplies $2,935.54
Waste Management Sanitary Services $42,122.43
Weaver, Mike E Professional Services $11,877.50
Weed, Kim Professional Services $200.00
West Music Company Inc Classroom Supplies
Other Supplies $2,392.69
Willett, Cassandra Professional Services $17.00
Woodriver Energy Llc Heat For Bldgs $2,247.10
Wt Cox Information Services Classroom Supplies $128.96
Xcel Energy Electricity $111,841.71
Yours On The Spot Other Supplies $871.54
Zimmerman, Deeann Professional Services $456.65
Zoho Corp Software Support $57,460.00
B. Authorizations and Ratifications
B1. Donations
Adopting a resolution, as follows:
WHEREAS, gifts have been presented to the Sioux Falls School District 49-5 of Minnehaha County, South Dakota, and the School Board hereby accepts the gifts (see MRF #19451 for listing of gifts) and;
BE IT RESOLVED, that said gifts shall become the property of the Sioux Falls School District, all in accordance with Policy KCD
B2. Approval of Contracts
Authorizing the President and Business Manager to enter into and execute contracts, for and on behalf of the District, as follows:
a. 24-074 East Dakota Educational Cooperative, dba Teachwell Solutions Food Service Agreement See Contract
b. 24-075 Compassion Childcare Center Food Service Agreement See Contract
c. 24-076 Scarbrough Childcare Center Food Service Agreement See Contract
d. 24-077 A to Z World Language Interpreter Services See Contract
e. 24-078 Powerschool eFinance Core Subscription $229,370.40
B3. Acceptance of Contracts
Accepting construction projects, by the Sioux Falls School District 49-5, 201 E. 38th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57105, as complete, as follows:
a. 24-033 605 Companies Discovery Pre-cast Sill Replacement
b. 22-086 Patriot Construction Central Services Addition/Renovation
B4. Contract Additions and/or Deductions
Approving change orders, as follows:
a. Change Order #2 to Contract 24-044 with Journey Construction for Middle School Wrestling Mat Hoists. Change order is for gymnasium floor damage.
B5. Ratifying the Purchase of Real Property
Ratifying the purchase of the real property from sellers, as follows:
a. 500 North Fairfax Avenue – Lot 1 Block 2, City View ADDN TO CITY OF SIOUX FALLS, Minnehaha County, South Dakota in the amount of $225,000 and further authorizing the Business Manager, or his designee, to execute Purchase Agreements for the properties (see MRF #19452; Property Jacket # ) and Contract 24-079)
b. 503 North Fairfax Avenue – E12 Vac Alley & 8 Block 6 Dakota Improvement, Cos 2nd ADDN TO CITY OF SIOUX FALLS, Minnehaha County, South Dakota in the amount of $180,000 and further authorizing the Business Manager, or his designee, to execute Purchase Agreements for the properties (see MRF #19453; Property Jacket # ) and Contract 24-080)
c. 508 North Fairfax Avenue – Lot 7 Block 7, Dakota Improvement Cos 2nd ADDN TO CITY OF SIOUX FALLS, Minnehaha County, South Dakota in the amount of $125,000 and further authorizing the Business Manager, or his designee, to execute Purchase Agreements for the properties (see MRF #19454, Property Jacket # ) and Contract 24-081)
And finally authorizing the Business Manager to issue manual checks to complete the property transactions with the understanding that the manual checks will be reported in the manual check report of a subsequent School Board meeting
B6. Acknowledging Sale of Carpentry House
Acknowledging for the record the results of an auction sale, of the CTE Carpentry House, which was auctioned Tuesday, August 21, 2024 and further approving the sale of the CTE Carpentry House to Adrian Nelson in the amount of $285,000 which was highest bid received; with the understanding that the house will be moved, at the purchaser(s) expense, from the CTE to the purchaser(s) chosen location on or before October 25, 2024 (See MRF #19455; Property Disposal #2023-).
B7. Petitions for Residency Determination
Approving the request for assignment of one (1) student to attend Discovery Elementary School, two (2) students to attend Lowell Elementary School, two (2) students to attend Terry Redlin Elementary School, one (1) student to attend Oscar Howe Elementary School, one (1) student to attend Hawthorne Elementary School, one (1) student to attend Hayward Elementary School, two (2) students to attend George McGovern Middle School, one (1) student to attend Memorial Middle School, one (1) student to attend Edison Middle School, one (1) student to attend Washington High School, and one (1) student to attend Jefferson High School.
C. Approving financial transactions (see MRF #19456 on file in the Finance Office for reference purposes).
D. Accepting the K-12 Personnel Report, as follows:
D1. RESIGNATIONS. Accepting the resignation of School District Personnel as of the effective date indicated, the personnel having been previously employed by Board Action, as follows:
Name Location/Position Date
Bunde, Glory Flex/SpEd-Behavior 05/24/24
Christensen, Adam Pettigrew/Behavior Facilitator 09/16/24
Christensen, Adam Pettigrew/CLC Behavior Facilitator 09/16/24
Clawson, Shannon A Sullivan/Clerical 08/23/24
Vandyke, Elizabeth L Wilder/Clerical 08/29/24
Vargas-Huezo, Noemi Axtell/Clerical 08/30/24
Amending Action 39602.F1 adopted on August 26, 2024, as pertains to Tim Wehrkamp by deleting the effective resignation date of 09/27/24 and inserting the new resignation date of 09/25/24.
Jones, Rickelle LHS/Custodian 09/13/24
D1. RESIGNATIONS (continued)
Liben, Emmanuel JHS/Custodian 08/21/24
Mize, Katrina PHMS/Custodial Manager 09/11/24
Education Assistant
Anawski, Amy A Sullivan/Early Childhood 09/05/24
Froelich, Peter Hawthorne/Over Enrollment 05/24/24
Heptig, Dawn Renberg/Lead Lunch 08/23/24
Hone, Lauren Cleveland/Over Enrollment 05/23/24
Teel, Darcy BRMS/SpEd-Resource 08/15/24
Warneke, Hailey RHS/SpEd-Resource 08/21/24
Education Assistant, without Benefits
Fitch, Pamela O Howe/Over Enrollment 05/23/24
Grau, Nikki O Howe/Over Enrollment 05/23/24
Child Nutrition
Albers, Linda* MMS/General Worker 09/11/24
Guled, Joy CNS/General Worker 08/16/24
Extra Duty/Extra Pay
Booze-Ruedebusch Renberg/504 Coordinator 05/28/24
Fink, Sarah RHS/Department Chair 05/28/24
Gillespie, Haley JFK/SpEd Eval Team Lead 08/26/24
Labue, Gerrad MMS/Volleyball Coach 10/31/23
Nelin, Zoe BRMS/BB Girls Coach 12/31/23
Nelin, Zoe BRMS/Track Coach 05/31/24
Renken, Holly PHMS/504 Coordinator 05/28/24
Walker, Anne RHS/Department Chair 05/28/24
Substitute Teacher
Berg, Thomas D Wide 10/12/23
DeBoer, Angela D Wide 11/09/23
Kooistra, Kathleen D Wide 04/30/24
Schuelke, Alex D Wide 08/28/24
Name Location/Position Date
Parsons, Rosa S Sotomayor/LAPOP Leader 08/30/24
Name Location/Position Date
Kofa, Slewion LHS/Custodian 08/19/24
Name Delete Add
Bauder, Kandy LBA/Nurse
FTE .5
$29,414.50 LBA/Nurse
FTE 1.0
Eff. 08/28/24
Stadem, Tara PHMS/Music
FTE .78
$45,886.62 PHMS/Music
FTE .80
Eff. 08/15/24
Cordell, Stephen MMS/Specialist
Behavior Facilitator
FTE .9375
$23.63/hr C Campus/Specialist
Behavior Facilitator
FTE .96875
Eff. 08/15/24
Knoff, Suzanne D Wide/Substitute
$160/day WHS/Specialist
Behavior Facilitator
FTE .875
Eff. 08/22/24
West, Carrie RHS/Clerical
$18.73/hr RHS/Clerical
Student Services
Eff. 08/12/24
Helm, Johathon RHS/Custodian
$20.01/hr WMS/Custodian
Eff. 08/14/24
Hugelman, Joseph CS OPS/Truck Driver
$21.91/hr CS OPS/Truck Driver
Eff. 09/03/24
Kleinsasser, Jacob WHS/Custodian
$20.64/hr PHMS/Engineer
Eff. 08/30/24
Kobernusz, Shaun MMS/Custodian
$20.87/hr Pettigrew/Custodian
Eff. 08/21/24
D4. CHANGE OF STATUS (continued)
Name Delete Add
Lundgren, Kathy CS OPS/Roving
$23.07/hr SBA/Custodian
CNS/304A Truck Driver
FTE 1.0
$20.89/hr Eff. 08/23/24
Walters, Clinton CS OPS/1025 Truck Driver
FTE .50
Eff. 08/22/24
Education Assistant
Griffin, Elizabeth Unpaid
Leave of Absence Resigned
Eff. 05/23/24
Hernandez, Natasha Hawthorne/Specialist
Behavior Facilitator
FTE .875
$22.88/hr Hawthorne/EA
FTE .70
Eff. 09/03/24
Child Nutrition
Kogel, Mary CS OPS/Child Nutrition
General Worker
$18.14/hr D Wide/Child Nutrition
Sub General Worker
Eff. 10/04/24
Smith, Kelly MMS/304A
$19.93/hr MMS/Child Nutrition
Eff. 09/03/24
Extra Duty/Extra Pay
Colgan, Virginia RHS/Oral Interp
Head Coach
FTE 1.0
$6,649.00 RHS/Oral Interp
Head Coach
FTE .50
Eff. 08/15/24
Effective Actual
Name Location/Position Date Pay
Amending Action 39550.H5 adopted May 28, 2024, as it pertains to Ana Baez by deleting the incorrect salary of $52,233.00 and inserting the correct salary of $48,714.72 for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Effective Actual
Name Location/Position Date Pay
Employment Contract, per hour
Schuelke, Alex RHS/School Student Support 09/04/24 $20.00
Specialist, per hour
Geppert, Josh BRMS/Behavior Facilitator 08/15/24 $24.38
Krehbiel, Bryn SBA/Behavior Facilitator 08/28/24 22.88
Clerical, per hour
Connelly, Shelley IPC/Finance 09/03/24 $20.15
Custodian, per hour
Baysah, Joe WHS/Custodian 09/04/24 $19.80
Beckley, Vivianne RHS/Custodian 09/10/24 19.80
Education Assistant, per hour
Abrahamson, Shanon SBA/SpEd-Resource 09/03/24 $17.85
Andresen, Macy A Sullivan/ECH 08/26/24 17.85
Boyd, Idalesta Hayward/SpEd-Resource 08/28/24 17.85
Diamond, Kaylee L Wilder/SpEd-Personal 09/23/24 17.85
Goodell, Carson H Mann Bridges/SpEd Behavior 08/21/24 19.85
Heptig, Dawn D Wide/Substitute Lead Lunch 08/26/24 17.85
Hollingsworth, Sherry LBA/SpEd-Resource 08/21/24 17.85
Jacobson, Shuree Hawthorne/ECH-Specialized 09/05/24 19.85
Jones, Andriana R Parks/SpEd-Personal 08/22/24 17.85
Ludwig, Amanda Hawthorne/Library 08/23/24 20.58
Mayo, Elizabeth Axtell/SpEd-Behavior 08/21/24 19.85
Mortensen, Grace Hawthorne/Over Enrollment 08/22/24 17.85
Nelson, Lisa Cleveland/ECH 09/03/24 17.85
Education Assistant, per hour (continued)
Ochsner, Zoey Garfield/ECH-Blended 09/03/24 $17.85
Patronik, Harrison RHS/SpEd-Rise 09/04/24 19.85
Satibanchong, August WMS/SpEd-Personal 09/04/24 17.85
VanGerpen, Destinee SBA/SpEd-Rise 09/10/24 19.85
Weathers, Emilie Renberg/Over Enrollment 09/03/24 17.85
Werdel, Ne’Cole Axtell/SpEd-Behavior 08/26/24 19.85
Child Nutrition, per hour
Rabenberg, Leesa WHS/Lead Lunch as Needed 08/22/24 $19.64
Tarplah, Cynthia CNS/General Worker 08/26/24 17.20
Topete, Jolene CNS/General Worker 09/03/24 17.20
Van-Hove, Lavonne PHMS/General Worker 09/03/24 17.20
JHS Summer Football Camp, per hour
Machacek, Tanner Camp Coach 07/15/24 $20.30
Whiting, Ed Camp Coach 07/22/24 20.30
Effective Actual
Name Location/Position Date Pay
JHS Summer Softball Camp, per hour
Kayla Hakari Camp Coach 07/22/24 $20.30
Whiting, Ed Camp Director 07/22/24 30.65
Community Learning Centers, per hour
Ballard-Fournerat, Tina CLC Tutor 07/01/24 $20.80
Lambert, Sonia JFK/Youth Development 08/26/24 16.61
Nold, Haiden CLC Tutor 07/01/24 20.80
Taye, Elili CLC Tutor 07/01/24 20.80
Teer, Cindy CLC Tutor 07/01/24 20.80
JFK or H Dunn ESY-Special Education, per hour
Burchill, Allison Speech Therapist 06/10/24 $45.22
Burchill, Allison Speech Therapist 07/01/24 47.04
Foxhoven, Madisson Speech Therapist 06/10/24 41.57
Foxhoven, Madisson Speech Therapist 07/01/24 43.70
Munce, Ann ALS Interpreter 07/01/24 32.54
LHS Summer Camp Volleyball, per hour
Peichel, Abbie Camp Coach 06/01/24 $20.30
R Frost 2024 Summer Ready to Start, per hour
Moen, Heather Education Assistant 06/01/24 $20.10
Moen, Heather Education Assistant 07/01/24 20.77
Special Services, per hour
Taylor, Jessica D Wide/BDI SpEd Testor 09/05/24 $24.25
Rhondes, Isabelle RHS/Lunch Tutor 08/15/24 $11.20
Substitute Education Assistant, per hour
Blume, Evan 8/21/24 $17.85
Froelich, Peter 8/21/24 17.85
Jacobsma, Andrea 8/21/24 17.85
Safety Care Training, June 12-13, 2024, per hour
Altermatt, Kim $22.61
Anderson, Juli 19.46
Bowie, Roger 25.75
Brakke, Cynthia 22.64
Christensen, Adam 22.61
Craghead, Jamie 22.64
Dubbe, Greta 22.13
Durfee, Chelsea 22.13
Eden, Kristy 20.21
Frye, Vicki 20.40
Fuerst, Michele 22.64
Gulick, Olivia 37.62
Gunderson, Camille 22.13
Habtemariam, Joseph 22.13
Harry, Cheyenne 29.33
Heavlin, Jeffery 22.64
Irvine, Alexander 22.64
Johnson, Letitia 22.37
Jones, Mia 22.64
Kellenberger, Heather 22.64
Kniffen, Laura 22.64
Kogel, Erica 22.64
Kuck, Taylor 37.62
Larson, Jill 25.75
Maag, Nancy 22.64
Maeschen, Kelsey 24.30
Mielke, Rilea 22.64
Osterberg, Jill 22.64
Purdie, Devon 23.58
Robertson, Amy 22.10
Schouten, Hannah 22.64
Smith, Jamie 19.27
Sommervold, Josephine 24.76
Sorensen, Timothy 25.75
Tornow, Dawn 22.10
Towner, Morgan 22.64
Waldner, Marissa 22.64
Walter, Stephen 22.13
Alberty, Judd $22.86
Baker, Caitlyn 22.86
Beck, Angela 22.86
DeGroot, Laura 20.04
Emery, Selena 21.21
Geppert-Anderson, Jackie 22.86
Harry, Cheyenne 30.64
Hartigan, Katie 23.13
Kenore, Aberash 20.04
Magnuson, Elizabeth 22.86
McGovern, Abigail 20.24
Neale, Carol 22.86
Peterson, Jamie 22.86
Scott, Samantha 22.86
Slaba, Stephanie 22.86
Summers, Hannah 22.86
Sweeter, Tammy 22.86
Tagtow, Kristal 22.86
Safety Care Training, June 12-13, 2024, per hour
Thorne, Peyton 22.86
Triebwasser, Tonya 22.86
Wolfgang-Sjovold, Cori 22.86
Anthony, Laura $22.86
Bailey, Libby 22.86
Bossman, Libby 22.86
Brendefur, Maren 38.47
Breyer, Sonya 22.86
Draeger, Robert 24.13
Fischer, Alyssa 22.86
Fritz (Krueger), Sierra 20.43
Gillespie, Haley 22.86
Hanten, Jaime 22.86
Harberts, Derek 24.63
Jensen, Aaron 22.86
Marchand, Karmyn 22.86
McCaulsky, Nancy 22.86
McWayne, Cassidy 20.04
Meyer, Jodi 22.86
muller, Seth 24.88
Odea, Brenda 21.99
Pauli, Elizabeth 22.86
Pesicka, Kristy 22.86
Warren, Hayley 22.86
Wyatt, Lindsey 22.86
Executive Assistant Stipend, lump sum
Grady, Andrea Executive Assistant 08/01/23 $7,500.00
Custodian, shift differential lump sum
Kangley, David CS/Truck Driver 07/01/24 $4,029.93
EA Sign-on Bonus, lump sum
Hernandez, Natasha Hawthorne/ECH-Specialized 09/03/24 $1,201.20
Extra Duty/Extra Pay, lump sum
Alberty, Todd RHS/Department Chair 08/15/24 $2,295.00
Batcheller, Paul LHS/Girls Soccer Coach 08/01/24 2,231.00
Beznoska, Kelsey Renberg/504 Coordinator 08/15/24 803.00
Colgan, Virginia RHS/Oral Interp Assistant 08/15/24 2,510.00
Fuller, Katie RHS/Department Chair 08/15/24 2,295.00
Gillespie, Haley JFK/SpEd Eval Team Lead 08/15/24 62.31
Herr, Kimberly JFK/SpEd Eval Team Lead 08/15/24 1,409.62
Johnson, Eric RHS/Department Chair 08/15/24 2,295.00
Koskovich, Jessica LHS/Asst. Girls Soccer Coach 08/01/24 4,016.00
Meyer, Keri Cleveland/NAC Coordinator 08/15/24 1,071.00
Miller, Jay BRMS/Assistant FB Coach 08/30/24 1,910.00
Morin, Isabella RHS/Oral Interp Assistant 08/15/24 2,510.00
Morin, Isabella RHS/Oral Interp Head 08/15/24 3,133.50
Payton, Aristarchus WMS/Assistant FB Coach 08/30/24 1,910.00
Taylor, Katherine O Howe/NAC Coordinator 08/15/24 1,071.00
Uecker, Layne WHS/Yearbook Advisor 08/15/24 5,354.00
Venekamp, Jeffrey MMS/Volleyball Coach 09/03/24 1,768.07
Waltz, Kelsey WHS/Asst. Girls Softball Coach 07/11/24 2,000.00
Howard Wood Field Event Security Supervisor, lump sum
Draeger, Robert Event Security Supervisor 07/29/24 $125.00
Larsen, Jason Event Security Supervisor 07/29/24 150.00
New Hire Training, $100.00 lump sum
Aguirre, Ashley Hayward/1st Grade 08/12/24
Alpers, John Lowell/Orchestra 08/12/24
Anderson, Payton Garfield/5th Grade 08/12/24
Aumsbaugh, Kimberly Hawthorne/5th Grade 08/12/24
Backstrom, Kaitlyn Pettigrew/Band 08/12/24
Balkovic, Daniel JHS/Social Studies 08/12/24
Baygboe, Princess JHS/Marketing 08/12/24
Becker, Tina Hayward/1st Grade 08/12/24
Bernhardt, Megan LHS/Special Education 08/12/24
Berning, Wendy Garfield/Special Education 08/12/24
Beznoska, Kelsey Renberg/Counseling 08/12/24
Bierl, Bridget LBA/5th Grade 08/12/24
Biggins, Laura D Wide/Itinerant for Deaf 08/12/24
Boer, Michelle GMMS/Math 08/12/24
Bozonie, Rachel PHMS/Orchestra 08/12/24
Casey, Mackenzie LHS/OSO 08/12/24
Clark, Lora RHS/Math 08/12/24
Connor, Janelle Hayward/Special Education 08/12/24
Cork, Sydney Pettigrew/5th Grade 08/12/24
Cutshaw, James JHS/Computer Science 08/12/24
Ybarra, Michelle L Wilder/Special Education 08/12/24
Divine, Betsy Whittier/Newcomer English 08/12/24
Dix, Allison WHS/Math 08/12/24
Duncan, Sydney RHS/Long-term Substitute 08/12/24
Dunlap, Macey Hayward/2nd Grade 08/12/24
Ellens, Kelsey T Redlin/Instructional Coach 08/12/24
Ellis, Andrew Memorial/Band 08/12/24
Ellis, Lara JHS/Social Studies 08/12/24
Fitzsimmons, Chayden McGovern/Social Studies 08/12/24
Fladoos, Amril SBA/5th Grade 08/12/24
Fletcher, Sydnie H Mann/Special Education 08/12/24
New Hire Training, $100.00 lump sum
Fluth, Angela H Mann/Instructional Coach 08/12/24
Fonder, Kayla PHMS/SLP 08/12/24
Fowler, Austin Cleveland/Kindergarten 08/12/24
Fox, Olivia E Field/1st Grade 08/12/24
Frerichs, Trisha Garfield/3rd Grade 08/12/24
Froiland, McKenzie Hayward/5th Grade 08/12/24
Geier, Ellie LHS/EL Development 08/12/24
Gortmaker, Brooke L Lab/ECH-Blended 08/12/24
Graves, Madeleine Hayward/Vocal Music 08/12/24
Greenslate, Susa Discovery/Special Education 08/12/24
Grev, Rebecca LHS/Chemistry 08/12/24
Gunnare, Emmala LBA/SpEd Early Childhood 08/12/24
Haddican, Karissa IPC/SpEd Instructional Coach 08/12/24
Hallstrom, Kendall T Redlin/SLP 08/12/24
Halter, Lori H Mann/Special Education 08/12/24
Heibult, Wanda PHMS/Special Education 08/12/24
Heilesen, Sarah RHS/Math 08/12/24
Heinemann, Allysa Pettigrew/SpEd Early Childhood 08/12/24
Heinrich, Mallory Hawthorne/Special Education 08/12/24
Hemmelman, Kendra RHS/Special Education 08/12/24
Herbster, Kelly Edison/ELA 08/12/24
Hill, Emily JHS/Special Education 08/12/24
Hofer, Noelle Hayward/1st Grade 08/12/24
Hull, Mallory Pettigrew/5th Grade 08/12/24
Ihnen, Brianne Hayward/1st Grade 08/12/24
Irwin, Katelyn GMMS/ELA 08/12/24
Iverson, Isaac JHS/Special Education 08/12/24
Jacobson, Olivia Garfield/Kindergarten 08/12/24
Jenkins, DeAndra H Dunn/Counselor 08/12/24
Jergensen, Braden Whittier/Social Studies 08/12/24
Johnson, Cassie WHS/FACS 08/12/24
Johnson, Sarah JFK/Orchestra 08/12/24
Jones, Gracelynn Whittier/Science 08/12/24
Jones, Patrick WHS/JROTC 08/12/24
Kadoun, Logan JHS/History 08/12/24
Kalscheuer, April H Mann/Special Education 08/12/24
Karner, Karina Cleveland/Psychologist 08/12/24
Kersting, Kathleen Hayward/Library Enrichment 08/12/24
Khatthanam, Angela Whittier/Math 08/12/24
Kludt, John Memorial/Student Success 08/12/24
Koenig, Grace Whittier/Newcomer English 08/12/24
Krome, Kristen PHMS/Nurse 08/12/24
LaBrie, Aaron WHS/Math 08/12/24
Larson, Caleb LBA/3rd Grade 08/12/24
Lee, Clara A Sullivan/ECH 08/12/24
New Hire Training, $100.00 lump sum
Legg, James JHS/Academic Village 08/12/24
Logue, Alison RHS/Math 08/12/24
Lougheed, Megan ACE/Newcomer English 08/12/24
Lukkes, Michael LHS/JROTC 08/12/24
Malaspina, Mikayla Hayward/4th Grade 08/12/24
Mashek, Kathrine Pettigrew/3rd Grade 08/12/24
Mayer, Abigail J Harris/5th Grade 08/12/24
McCormick-Lee, Erin Jessica Memorial/ELA 08/12/24
McGraw, Savannah O Howe/4th Grade 08/12/24
Mejia, Rafael Hayward/5th Grade 08/12/24
Melius, Morgan Edison/FACS 08/12/24
Mickelson, Allison E Field/Music 08/12/24
Mier, Jennifer Hayward/Special Education 08/12/24
Mikel, Telly LHS/Recovery Room 08/12/24
Miller, Riley McGovern/Math 08/12/24
Mix, Ryan Memorial/Social Studies 08/12/24
Neises, Zoey Cleveland/SpEd ECH 08/12/24
Nutter, Alexandra R Frost/3rd Grade 08/12/24
Olson, Carter CTE/House Construction 08/12/24
Olson, Regan Cleveland/SLP 08/12/24
Oskar, Leah LHS/Recovery Room 08/12/24
Osnes, Shaina T Redlin/Special Education 08/12/24
Pauli, Madison Garfield/1st Grade 08/12/24
Perkins, Delores H Mann/Special Education 08/12/24
Peters, Madison JFK/3rd Grade 08/12/24
Petersen, Dalton PHMS/Orchestra 08/12/24
Peterson, Alicia Hayward/3rd Grade 08/12/24
Pettit, Elizabeth JHS/Math 08/12/24
Pies, Leonard LHS/Welding Automotive 08/12/24
Powell, Madelyn PHMS/Science 08/12/24
Presley, Rickie WHS/English 08/12/24
Purdie, Devon Hawthorne/Special Education 08/12/24
Rasmussen, Krista JHS/Biology 08/12/24
Rataj, Jan WHS/EL Development 08/12/24
Renville, Lea SBA/5th Grade 08/12/24
Rosenbaum, Tracy Edison/Nurse 08/12/24
Running, Shayla Hayward/3rd Grade 08/12/24
Rygh, Sherri O Howe/Orchestra 08/12/24
Sadrkhanlou, Sarah Cleveland/ELA 08/12/24
Sandal, Katie T Redlin/Special Education 08/12/24
Sandvig, Amanda T Redlin/2nd Grade 08/12/24
Schatz, Grace BRMS/Special Education 08/12/24
Scherschligt, Carissa A Sullivan/Nurse 08/12/24
Schild, Zachary JHS/Biology 08/12/24
Schildhauer, Danielle Garfield/2nd Grade 08/12/24
New Hire Training, $100.00 lump sum
Schlenker, Molli R Parks/1st Grade 08/12/24
Schouten, Jonathan Edison/Math 08/12/24
Scotting, Kyra Hayward/Special Education 08/12/24
Severson, Kendra Cleveland/SpEd Birth-3 08/12/24
Shafer, Blanca R Parks/Instructional Coach 08/12/24
Skarstad, Samantha Lowell/Special Education 08/12/24
Skrien, Emily Hawthorne/SpEd ECH 08/12/24
Smith, Lyndi R Frost/Instructional Coach 08/12/24
Stevenson, Blake JHS/Social Studies 08/12/24
Stokke, Matthew McGovern/Recovery SOAR 08/12/24
Storm, Megan D Wide/Nurse 08/12/24
Suarez Romero, Tanya Hayward/Success Coordinator 08/12/24
Suaza Pineda, Alejandra Estefanía R Parks/5th Grade 08/12/24
Sundall, Kendra Hawthorne/Instructional Coach 08/12/24
Thomas, Caitlyn PHMS/ELA 08/12/24
Toscano, María S Sotomayor/Kindergarten 08/12/24
Tuttle, Rebecca BRMS/CTE 08/12/24
Ulmer, Megan JFK/Special Education 08/12/24
Van Regenmorter, Drew Pettigrew/3rd Grade 08/12/24
Vander Feen, Dillon Whittier/CTE 08/12/24
Vis, Kirsten LBA/Music 08/12/24
Volk, Eva BRMS/Teacher 08/12/24
Wagner, Kelli Axtell/SpEd ELA 08/12/24
Waldner, Marissa SBA/Counselor 08/12/24
Walsh, Madelyn LHS/Biology 08/12/24
Waterbury, Jenni Garfield/ECH 08/12/24
Werwinski, Jordan S Sotomayor/SLP 08/12/24
Wietzema, Tyler PHMS/Social Studies 08/12/24
Wilke, Matthew RHS/ELA 08/12/24
Williams, Terrance Edison/Encore 08/12/24
Wilson, Heather T Redlin/Special Education 08/12/24
Wipf, Nolan Memorial/Vocal Music 08/12/24
Wolfgang-Sjovold, Cori H Dunn/SpEd-Early Childhood 08/12/24
Yoder, Christa Discovery/5th Grade 08/12/24
Substitute Teacher, $160.00 per day
Alvarez-Lopez, Nancy District Wide 08/21/24
Alvine, Brenda District Wide 08/21/24
Aman, Emily District Wide 08/21/24
Anderson, Chad District Wide 08/21/24
Baete, Laura District Wide 08/28/24
Bamberg, Jenna District Wide 08/21/24
Barnes, Brian District Wide 08/21/24
Bartscher, Marjorie District Wide 08/21/24
Bin Farid, Muhammad District Wide 08/21/24
Substitute Teacher, $160.00 per day
Birkel, Madison District Wide 08/21/24
Buchman, Julie District Wide 08/21/24
Bulgrin, Connor District Wide 08/21/24
Campbell, William District Wide 08/21/24
Christensen, Talia District Wide 08/28/24
Clawson, Shannon District Wide 08/28/24
Draper, Maureen District Wide 08/21/24
Driver, Dakota District Wide 08/21/24
Erickson, Abigail District Wide 08/21/24
Feuchtenberger, Barbara District Wide 08/28/24
Froelich, Peter District Wide 08/21/24
Furtado-Linton, Shelley District Wide 08/21/24
Gage, Eric District Wide 08/28/24
Galpin, Jenny District Wide 08/28/24
Griffin, Elizabeth District Wide 08/21/24
Griffin, Hailey District Wide 09/28/24
Hanson, Ezekiel District Wide 08/21/24
Hartel, Eric District Wide 08/21/24
Heckenlaible, Cindy District Wide 08/21/24
Hubbard-Howard, Stephanie District Wide 08/28/24
Hubert, Amber District Wide 09/28/24
Hultgren, Chad District Wide 08/28/24
Jones, Korrine District Wide 08/21/24
Kessler, Christen District Wide 08/21/24
King, Carrie District Wide 08/21/24
Kiser, Kruse District Wide 08/28/24
Knopf, Jacob District Wide 08/28/24
Kroupa, Jesse District Wide 08/21/24
Larson, Jack District Wide 08/21/24
Leuning, Kaylee District Wide 08/28/24
Malm, Kaeley District Wide 09/28/24
Markman, Hannah District Wide 08/21/24
Marks, Randall District Wide 08/28/24
Matthies, Tad District Wide 08/21/24
Mayl, Susana District Wide 08/21/24
McCrary, Katherine District Wide 08/21/24
Medema, Cierra District Wide 08/21/24
Mogck, Leah District Wide 08/28/24
Mohr, Natalie District Wide 08/21/24
Morrison, Benjamin District Wide 08/28/24
Mosaad, Mario District Wide 09/28/24
Nelsen, Pat District Wide 09/28/24
Nemmers, Kenneth District Wide 08/21/24
Nguyen, Andrew District Wide 08/21/24
Noid, Chris District Wide 08/21/24
Substitute Teacher, $160.00 per day
Nuttbrock, Cadence District Wide 09/28/24
Patrick, Jennie District Wide 08/28/24
Pease, Tamara District Wide 08/28/24
Perry, Burke District Wide 08/28/24
Rauen, Carrie District Wide 08/28/24
Ridgell, Tapanga District Wide 08/28/24
Robinson, Jermaine District Wide 08/21/24
Ronke, Kelli District Wide 08/21/24
Rygh, Nathan District Wide 08/21/24
Schuelke, Alex District Wide 08/21/24
Short, Samantha District Wide 08/21/24
Shukla, Veronica District Wide 08/28/24
Sisson, Madilyn District Wide 09/28/24
Skogstad, Kurt District Wide 08/21/24
Smook, Jill District Wide 08/21/24
Songstad, Kiley District Wide 08/28/24
Soto, Carrie District Wide 08/28/24
Sterk, Jamie District Wide 08/21/24
Stolp, Tim District Wide 08/21/24
Szabo, Anezka District Wide 08/28/24
Taylor, Julie District Wide 09/28/24
Tom, Maria District Wide 08/28/24
Vining, John District Wide 08/21/24
Warneke, Hailey District Wide 09/28/24
Watt, Kelli District Wide 08/28/24
Wichner, Kari District Wide 08/21/24
Winkler, Michelle District Wide 09/28/24
Wipf, Melanie District Wide 08/21/24
Wuestewald, Alivia District Wide 08/21/24
D6. 2024-2025 STAFF
Amending Action 39541.E6 adopted May 13, 2024, as it pertains to Kelli Jackson by deleting the incorrect salary of $54,349.00 and inserting the correct salary of $55,414.00 for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Amending Action 39550.H7 adopted May 28, 2024, as it pertains to Luz Lopez-Osorio by deleting the incorrect salary of $55,430.00 and inserting the correct salary of $51,409.17 for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Amending Action 39550.H7 adopted May 28, 2024, as it pertains to Beatriz Rebollar by deleting the incorrect salary of $57,670.00 and inserting the correct salary of $54,980.73 for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Specialist, per hour
D6. 2024-2025 STAFF (continued)
Amending Action 39562.E6 adopted June 10, 2024, as it pertains to Brittnie Nordmann by deleting the incorrect salary of $23.13/hr. and inserting the correct salary of $23.38/hr. for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Clerical, per hour
Amending Action 39562.E6 adopted June 10, 2024, as it pertains to Mckenna Gylfe by deleting the incorrect salary of $20.59/hr. and inserting the correct salary of $20.37/hr. for the 2024-2025 School Year.
See MRF #19457
Action 39611
A motion was made by Nan Kelly and seconded by Gail Swenson four (4) votes “yes” and one (1) abstention (Carly Reiter abstained) on roll call, approving the following claims to Sanford Healthcare Systems.
a. Sanford Training Center in the amount of $240 for Professional Services.
b. Sanford Health Occupational in the amount of $606 for Professional Services.
Action 39612
Doug Morrison, Director of Data Services, presented the Initial Enrollment Report as follows (MRF#19458):
The Sioux Falls School District’s initial SY 24-25 (K-12) fall enrollment is 24,335 FTE, which is 71 less than the initial count for the 23-24 School Year (SY).
The count is based on active enrollments as of the 4th day of school.
The preliminary enrollment for the kindergarten class is 1,778 students, 127 fewer than in the previous school year, SY 23-24.
Enrollment in grades 1-5 is up 102 students.
Middle school enrollment is down 131 students, primarily due to a large SY 23-24 8th grade class moving into high school.
High school enrollment is up to 86 students, reflecting the large SY 23-24 8th grade class advancing from middle school.
Open Enrollment into the SFSD has increased by 15 students, now standing at 1,065.
A motion was made by Marc Murren and seconded by Gail Swenson five (5) votes “yes” on roll call, acknowledging the Initial Enrollment Report.
Action 39613
Todd Vik, Business Manager, presented the FY24 Budget Wrap Up (see MRF #19459).
Following general discussion, a motion was made by Nan Kelly and seconded by Gail Swenson, five (5) votes “yes” on roll call, acknowledging the report on the District’s FY24
Budget Wrap Up, as presented.
Action 39614
Becky Dorman, Senior Director of Human Resources, presented the Public Hearing for Application Waivers from Administrative Rules as follows (MRF#19460):
24:28:23:02 Kindergarten through Grade Four Endorsements
For an individual who has completed a K-12 preparation program, the following kindergarten through grade four endorsements require completion of an elementary preparation program:
1. Self-contained kindergarten through fourth grade;
2. Kindergarten;
3. Kindergarten through fourth grade English language arts endorsement;
4. Kindergarten through fourth grade math;
5. Kindergarten through fourth grade science; and
6. Kindergarten through fourth grade social science.
Source: 43 SDR 175, effective July 3, 2017.
General Authority: SDCL 13-1-12.1, 13-42-3.
Law Implemented: SDCL 13-1-12.1, 13-42-1 to 13-42-4, inclusive, 13-43-5, 13-43-5.1.
Spanish Immersion Teacher Waiver Applications
The waiver applications will be submitted for teachers within the elementary Spanish Immersion Program who must add the Self-contained Kindergarten through Fourth Grade Endorsement to their South Dakota teaching permit after they have successfully completed both the pedagogy and content area state-designated Praxis exams. A list of these Spanish Immersion teachers is found on the next page.
Name Spanish Immersion Location Fall 2024 Teaching Assignment
Diego Torres Reyes Hayward Elem 3rd
Steph Romero Magana Hayward Elem K
Viviana Valero Hayward Elem 4th
Zulema Meza Hayward Elem 1st
Laura Garcia Saenz Rosa Parks Elem K
Valentina Contreras Sepulveda Rosa Parks Elem 2nd
Camilo Avendano Camargo Sonia Sotomayor Elem 1st
Cindy Gonzalez Sonia Sotomayor Elem 1st
Lissette Moerman (Irma Gutiérrez Durán) Sonia Sotomayor Elem 2nd
Lorena Deisy Pinzón Sonia Sotomayor Elem K
Maria Toscano Sonia Sotomayor Elem K
Mayra Villanueva Sonia Sotomayor Elem 1st
Yubeth Medina Olaya Sonia Sotomayor Elem 4th
A motion was made by Nan Kelly and seconded by Marc Murren, five (5) votes “yes” on roll call, acknowledging the Public Hearing and approving the Application for Waivers from Administrative Rules.
Action 39615
On motion by Nan Kelly and seconded by Gail Swenson five (5) votes “yes” on roll call, the School Board adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
Presiding Officer
Business Manager
Published once on Sept. 27, 2024, at the approximate cost of $765.10, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Sept. 27, 2024
Mayor Deborah McIsaac called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM in the Baltic City Hall, 130 St. Olaf Avenue. Answering roll call were City Attorney John Hughes, Aldermen Nikki Oien, Brian McGreevy, Mayor Deborah McIsaac, and Ryan Sinding. Joining via Teams was Steve Boeve. Also, in attendance was Finance Officer Lacey Harrington.
Mayor McIsaac led the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor McIsaac notified the Council there is an update with Grant Park Capital and due to this being contract negotiations dealing and requiring legal advice, McIsaac asking for a motion to go into executive session. Ryan Sinding made a motion to go into Executive Session at 6:02 pm, Brian McGreevy seconded. All ayes, motion carried.
Sinding made a motion to return from Executive Session at 6:13 pm, Nikki seconded. All ayes.
Mayor McIsaac presented a road closure request from Mike & Kim Frerichs with the Someday Café/Dog House to hold a Customer Appreciation celebration from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm from 2nd Street to the Bargain Basement. Oien motioned to approve the street closure on September 29th, 2024 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm from 2nd Street to just east of the Bargain Basement, Sinding seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Finance Officer, Lacey Harrington, presented the council with the following packet of packet:
Letter from the Minnehaha County Auditor regarding this year’s CPI
Fund Positions
General Fund Revenue & Expense Worksheets
Wage Worksheet
Special Funds Worksheet
Loan Breakdown Worksheet
Water & Sewer Worksheet
MCWC Letter of Increased Rates
ISG Estimated Project Costs
Finance Officer, Lacey Harrington, presented the council with the CPI (Consumer Price Index) and max levy amount for 2025 for property taxes. This is due to the auditor by October 1st, 2024. The CPI to be used in 2025 is 3% and the max levy is $319,579.00. Mayor McIsaac explained the CPI and levy purposes to all in attendance. Sinding made a motion to accept the 3% CPI, Boeve seconded, all ayes, motion passes.
Mayor McIsaac then presented the council with the First Reading of the City of Baltic’s 2025 Budget. Mayor McIsaac reviewed and summarized each page of the packet. McIsaac, the council and members of the community discussed questions, concerns, goals for the upcoming year and budget.
This was the First Reading on the Budget Appropriations Ordinance 318. The 2025 Annual Appropriation Budget of the City of Baltic. The Second Reading of Ord. 318 will be on October 8th, 2024 at the regular monthly meeting.
McIsaac reminded the council and citizens that the lead pipe survey must be completed before the end of October. The phone number and instructions were explained again.
With no further business to discuss, Sinding made a motion to adjourn at 6:59 pm. Seconded by Oien. All ayes, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Lacey Harrington
Municipal Finance Officer
Deborah McIsaac
Published once on Sept. 27, 2024, at the approximate cost of $34.65, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Sept. 13, Sept. 20 & Sept. 27, 2024
PRO. 24-248
Notice is hereby given that on the 4th day of September, 2024, John H. Bunkers and Jane Ann Turner, whose post office addresses are 47768 Jasper Street, Dell Rapids, South Dakota, 57022, and 805 Mellette Avenue, Pierre, South Dakota, 57501, respectively, were appointed as Personal Representatives of the Estate of Betty A. Bunkers, deceased.
Creditors of the decedent must present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or their claims may be barred.
Claims may be delivered to or mailed to the Personal Representatives or may be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and a copy of the claim mailed or delivered to the Personal Representatives.
Dated this 4th day of September, 2024.
John H. Bunkers - Personal Representative
47768 Jasper Street
Dell Rapids, South Dakota 57022
Jane Ann Turner -
Personal Representative
805 Mellette Avenue
Pierre, South Dakota 57501
Clerk of Circuit Court
Minnehaha County Courthouse
425 N. Dakota Avenue Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57104
(605) 367-5900
Dell Rapids Law Firm
P. O. Box 100
Dell Rapids, SD 57022-0100
(605) 428-5444 Attorneys for Personal Representatives
Published on Sept. 13, Sept. 20 & Sept. 27, 2024, at the approximate cost of $58.37, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Sept. 13, Sept. 20 & Sept. 27, 2024
PRO. 24-247
Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of September, 2024, Joyce E. Helgeson, whose address is 45904 258th Street, Humboldt, South Dakota, 57035, was appointed as Personal Representative of the Estate of Jerry Howard Corey, deceased.
Creditors of the decedent must present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or their claims may be barred.
Claims may be delivered to or mailed to the Personal Representative or may be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and a copy of the claim mailed or delivered to the Personal Representative.
Dated this 3rd day of September, 2024.
/s/ JOYCE E. HELGESON Joyce E. Helgeson - Personal Representative
45904 258th Street
Humboldt, South Dakota 57035
Clerk of Circuit Court
Minnehaha County Courthouse
425 N. Dakota Avenue
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57104
(605) 367-5900
Dell Rapids Law Firm
P. O. Box 100
Dell Rapids, SD 57022-0100
(605) 428-5444
Attorneys for Personal Representative
Published on Sept. 13, Sept. 20 & Sept. 27, 2024, at the approximate cost of $51.79, and may be viewed free of charge at or
PUBLISH: Sept. 27, 2024 & Oct. 4, 2024
CIV. 17-2422
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that under and by virtue of an Amended Default and Consent Judgment dated September 19, 2024, entered in that action wherein CorTrust Bank, N.A. (“CorTrust”), Plaintiff and holder of certain note and mortgage executed by Troy A. Aarbo and Tara A. Aarbo in favor of CorTrust, which mortgage was dated February 22, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Minnehaha County Register of Deeds in Book 1294 on Page 621 on February 24, 1999, obtained an Amended Default and Consent Judgment (the “Judgment”) against Troy A. Aarbo and Tara A. Aarbo, which Judgment was in the amount of $40,610.13, including interest, costs, and fees, and adjudging the mortgage lien of CorTrust to be a prior lien, I am commanded to sell the real estate described as follows:
The South 30 feet of Lot 12 except the West 13 feet thereof and the North 36 feet of Lot 13 except the West 12 feet thereof in Block 2 of Ericksen-Austin Addition to the City of Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, according to the recorded plat thereof.
This sale is made subject to redemption in the manner provided by law and in accordance with the total indebtedness due at the time of such redemption as authorized by law in satisfaction of all of said obligations.
Public notice is hereby given that on Wednesday, November 6, 2024, at 11:00 a.m., in the second floor lobby of the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office, 320 W. 4th Street, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, I will, in obedience to such Judgment, sell the above-described property in the fashion indicated herein, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise sufficient money to satisfy such Judgment with interest and costs, to the highest and best bidder for cash, lawful money of the United States.
Dated this 19th day of September, 2024.
Michael Milstead
Minnehaha County Sheriff
By: Deputy Corrie Alexander 856
Published twice on Sept. 27 & Oct. 4, 2024, at the approximate cost of $55.65, and may be viewed free of charge at or