Voters chose an auditor to audit - not to use a rubber stamp. Your assertion that "Voters lack the means to choose the most capable register of deeds, treasurer, or auditor" is monumental snobbishness. This whole country has suffered enough through rule by "experts" who are mostly expert at maintaining a closed cabal with an agenda far different from that of the majority. Voters did, indeed, in their wisdom, choose the auditor to shed light on the good ol' boys, which has caused THEM embarrassment. As William F. Buckley, Jr said, "I would rather be governed by the first 2000 people in the Manhattan phone book than the entire faculty of Harvard."

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Our current auditor was elected by motivated & educated tax-paying voters Joe. "Inattentive" voters don't typically get excited about voting for county auditor, which I imagine most don't understand the function of.

For anyone who is perplexed by the recent dust ups around our current auditor -Leah Anderson (whom Joe cannot seem to dignity br naming) - it boils down to this: Leah was voted in with mandate to ensure our local election systems are transparent, efficient & completely trustworthy.

This should not be controversial.

But, the current power structure of elitist country-clubbers like Joe have shown themselves to be antagonistic towards a large portion of tax-paying citizens in Mhaha Cty who support Leah's efforts to get a handle on what has proven to be a very sloppy operation, at both the county & state level.

She cannot be controlled, & people like Joe simply aren't comfortable with working-class folks having access to power.

Too bad, so sad.

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I might ask, "Who is better to select an auditor, the voters or the good ol' boys on the county commission?" I wonder if politics will get in the way if left to the commissioners. The manner in which Bob Litz was replaced smells. His replacement did not impress me. Our current auditor was an auditor by profession life before being elected. I believe she audited banks if my memory serves me correctly. Ben Kyte was a fired Citi bank employee who was overpaid and under performed. If Anderson is not up to the job, let the voters vote her out. We do not need selection for our county offices we need election, and in the auditor's position we need someone who will work to ensure the elections and voter roles in Minnehaha county are run and maintained in a free and fair manner, and is transparent enough to show us how it's done should we question. This is just another hit job on our current auditor which is uncalled for. All she is trying to do is the job she was elected to do in a manner in which she can make certain that every aspect of our election process is run according to current law and help change the law if ever it is discovered they are not.

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I’d rather the Harvard faculty, which is a very diverse group

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This is an obvious power grab by people who hate democracy.

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Absolutely correct.

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You are correct in your analysis. South Dakota would be better served by a different form of county government. However, as you know well, we don't do that very often. I think you would need to change the state constitution. That is terribly difficult.

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