Letter: Reject the fear, fluff and clothes pins
Another Sioux Falls City Councilor writes ‘Vote ‘no’ on the slaughterhouse ordinance’
While watching the endless barrage of silly commercials run by the opponents of the Wholestone project, I’ve had the urge to borrow one of their clothes pins for my own nose during a couple of those stinkers. Yeesh.
That being said, I will agree with the premise of one of their political ads: A vote ‘yes’ will mean less. A vote ‘yes’ will mean 1,000 fewer new jobs in our city, $500 million less in new construction, millions less in revenue for our local economy, countless millions lost to our agriculture industry and the local farm families who are the backbone of our state and local economy.
Voting ‘yes’ will result in diminished trust and credibility for Sioux Falls by setting a precedent that the initiative process can be used to pull the rug out from under businesses that have already met and exceeded all federal, state, and local regulations. The unintended result will be fewer businesses and industries locating to our community. So, I agree a vote ‘yes’ will definitely mean less. With a challenging economy and inflated food prices, this is no time to thumb our nose at food processing and our local farmers.
I have faith in Sioux Falls voters, faith that they will take time to study and understand the facts - and reject the fear, fluff and clothes pins being offered from the other side. After doing their homework I’m confident that common sense, which our community is known for and was built on, will come shining through and Sioux Falls will overwhelmingly vote “no” on the Slaughterhouse Ordinance.
Thanks so much for your time and consideration.
Marshall Selberg
Sioux Falls City Councilor