While looking up meanings using my 1953 Funk and Wagnalls and the online Webster's Dictionary on Nihilism and collusion, I came about the following definitions. “A doctrine or belief that conditions in the social organization are so bad as to make the destruction desirable for its own sake, independent of any constructive program possibility,” and “the program of a 19th century Russian party advocating revolutionary reform and using terrorism and assassination.”
So it would seem the interest of the closed primary supporters is to despoil and enslave the minority of people who are pursuing happiness. The South Dakota Legislature did this a few years ago in limiting the voting rights of a group of people who are mainly conservative-leaning independents. From traveling doctors and nurses who helped during Covid, the over-the-road truck drivers who delivered our toilet paper and many others who live a nomadic lifestyle in their pursuit of happiness.
As of June 4, 2024, the South Dakota Secretary of State’s website stated the number of registered voters in South Dakota was 591,153. While doing research, sdopenprimaries.org conveys that South Dakota has approximately 150,000 voters registered as independents. The Nihilists can say all they want, but without Open Primaries they are disenfranchising another group of voters. The group of citizens, ranging from people in the military to full time RVers, were stripped of their constitutional rights of voting before, and without Open Primaries that won’t change.
The assertions that Open Primaries will turn South Dakota into California or Minnesota aren’t true.
Voting yes will give great choices and better opportunities for voters on Election Day.
We can go about our life no matter what South Dakota decides. The choices are many for us. Florida and Texas are available. They have open primaries and these states haven’t become California or Minnesota. Tennessee looks good too, plus they haven’t taken away nomads’ voting rights.
We love South Dakota, but it seems the powers that be in the state hate change and also independent thinkers.
Justin Mallmann
Fulltime RVer & former Pennington County voter
Military already vote absentee. As far as full time RVers are concerned, SD Farm Girl has it right. Those of us who live here full time have to live with the consequences of our vote, nomads don’t.
There are about 11 different types of primaries in the US, with California and Washington most closely representing what is proposed by Amendment H. So, in fact, that would make us like those two states.
We already have a form of open primary. If you're unhappy about your voting options in SD, you can change your party affiliation to vote for a candidate and then change it back after you vote so you won't have to explain yourself to friends and family. It's an easy process, at least for those of us who reside here and have to live with the consequences of our votes.